A temporary Villan

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I don't own Danny Phantom or Bnha or this art


Kaminari and Jiro walked into the building and motions to the wall as she plugs her ears into the wall. She quietly tells him "I hear one set of footsteps upstairs ... I hear two sets ... three ... Five"

"What are you talking about," Kaminari says confused at how she could so many.

"I hear one set again" she quietly says.

They walk side by side checking each door and slowly they realize that there was a fog within the building blocking their view. Jiro shivered in her Clothing "It is getting cold" she says with Chattering teeth.

"HeLlO" They hear from behind each of their ears.

They turn around quickly seeing nothing.


"Where Is Danny-Kun, he isn't on the moniter," Tsuyu asked All Might

"I am Not quite Sure"

Intimidation Tactic, He could easily take them out he is playing with them" Todoroki says looking at the screen with a look of Curiosity.

"How could he do that" asked Sato

"He Is has an Overpowered Quirk that Specialised in Manipulation, Stealth, and Power," Todoroki says quietly.

How strong are you Young Danny All Might Thinks looking back at the screen where it showed two scared teens walking through a foggy hallway.


"Kaminari This is bad I don't know where the bomb is," Jiro says to through the Communicate on the fifth floor. She was standing in the Hallway of the Fifth floor.

"Well I don't know where it is either," he says from the stairs leading to the Fifth floor.

"YoU aRe NoT wAnTeD hErE lEaVe," the voice says behind both of their ears. Kaminari ran up the stairs to Jiro. They collectively ran through an open door, the room was large, dark and had no open windows. The door slams behind them with a loud slam.

They Run to the door and try to open it but couldn't it was jammed.


On the screens, it showed Ice was Blocking the door from being opened 

"Does he plans to use the darkness," Tokoyami says with Curiosity.


They were stuck, In a Haunted House of a Building looking for a fake bomb. They turned around to see two red lights staring at them from the darkness.

"Jiro I think we are going to die"

A Toxic red Light Starts to Luminate the room and shows a Monster.

A Toxic red Light Starts to Luminate the room and shows a Monster

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White Hair Dipped In red. Skeletal body with Long Lanky Skeletal Arms being Covered in a Dark Black Cloak his face with Glowing red eyes and Destroyed Mouth that closely resembled a Smile. His face covered in gruesome scars and wounds some leaking a green liquid.

Kaminari looked like he was about to Pass out on the spot seeing what looked to be Intestine fall out of his body.

Jiro when green and looked Light Headed.

"If YoUr LoOkInG fOr ThE bOmB It Is On ThE gRoUnD fLoOr"


"HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK GODDAMN ORGAN LOSING BULLSHIT IS THAT FUCKING SCARY AS SHIT" Somehow Bakugo's yell had matched the classes thoughts perfectly

All Might Felt Scared Seeing This His Smile Fell For a Split Second before he forced it back on his face and tried to help the class "It Is alright Class ... Intimidation is a Natural villainous Response to Heros"

This helped Some ... but he even he felt Scared seeing this and the smile he had on his face seeing their reaction ... He felt Sic.


"wHaT iS tHe MaTtEr HeRoS ... SCARED" The Creature Smiled Sadistically as it stared down its Classmates getting closer. Jiro and Kaminari face went pale as he stepped Closer each step Echoing through the room

It got right in the face and opened his mouth wide showing a green tongue as he blew a Blue Smoke in their faces. What they hadn't noticed in their moment of fear was that he had them pinned to the wall and was using his Cyrokenesis to hold their bodies to it.

"Hey, All Might Villains Win," He says stepping back opening a window as he slowly shifts back to Phantom and showing Yaoyorozu hiding with the bomb behind a black curtain. She turns on a flashlight.


The Villans Smile High Five and Danny walks up to the two Petrified students and Disconnects them to the Wall.

They fell onto the floor with knees weak.

"Sorry for any Nightmare I might have Inducedfrom this exercise" he apologized.


Mina looked scared and Overjoyed at the same time "He Is like a living horror Movie"Do you think he has watched Alien?"

Uraraka Was Just Praying to god Never to fight Him or else she Might Puke more Rainbows.

Kirishima was going on about the UnManlinnes and Manliness of Danny.

Todoroki looked at the screen with Interreg.

Bakugo Looked at it sill shell shocked at the idea of someone, anyone, beating him.

Shoji looked on wide-eyed at the boy he helped the first day find the classroom become a monster before their very eyes.

Tokoyami  Wanted to know If he was Emo.

All Might look at the Screen With Fear at wonder at how he had so many Quirks was it just one Overpowered Quirk or Multiple Semi Powerful Quirks Forced onto one Boy and If so does that mean HE was back or someone else.

-<That Night>-

Aizawa was watching the recording of the battles for Tips to give the students. He clicks the Third Match. He watched it.

"What the Fuck is this student Doing to their Psyche, am I going to have to pay for their Therapy?"

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