chapter five: my own pace.

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Jeongin leaned his cheek against his arm as he doodled out of boredom, he was always early. Though, the boredom did not last long. His pink lips part slightly as his eyes catches the sight of a male with messy brown hair walking towards him- Hwang Hyunjin. 

Hyunjin sits down beside Jeongin, trying his best to not smile. He sees the other male look at him with an amused gaze, "What? I'm just sitting' here, not gonna strike a conversation with you at all!" Hyunjin playfully comments, earning a sweet smile from the male- squinted eyes and a small grin, how cute.

Jeongin actually understood what Hyunjin had spoken, for once.

Class started, allowing the students to take out their books and start taking notes.

Jeongin's alarmed when he feels a poke at his arm that he rested on the desk, he looks to his side; meeting with Hyunjin who looked straight across him. Jeongin cocks his head at the male, before realising that Hyunjin was sliding a note at Jeongin.

'Bored. I wanna talk with you. But, convos aren't your thing so.. I'm making one! ..without talking!'

Jeongin bites his lips in order to stop himself from smiling. He looks to the side, seeing Hyunjin mutually staring back at him, with a smile.


He slides back the note, going back to jotting down notes.

The two continued to create conversation by sending the small piece of paper back and forth, Hyunjin softly chuckling audibly every now and then.


'So.. why aren't conversations your thing? Are you scared of your own voice or something?'

Jeongin sucks in a breath. 

It dawns on him that the reason why Hyunjin had been so nice to him the whole time was because he had not mentioned even once about him being deaf. It will all go to waste once he reveals that he is deaf.

He frowned as he wrote the following words,

'Cause' I'm deaf.'

He bit his lip till' metallic taste touched his tongue, watching Hyunjin's facial features change as he read the note.

Jeongin had quickly gotten a response.

'Oh.. I'm sorry I just talked to you like that, I didn't mean to.'

Jeongin felt everything crash inside him. Maybe he should've just pretended like he was just shy.

Jeongin continuously clicked his pen, leg bouncing as thought about what to reply.

'It's okay! You didn't know anyways..'

All Jeongin wants to do is curl up in Seungmin's arms.

'Welp, it's okay! I'll just write you notes and texts you then"

Jeongin pouted, feeling a warm feeling bloom in his chest. Jeongin turns his head towards Hyunjin, he shares a smile. 

Hyunjin coughs and looks away, feeling blush creeping up his neck. Who knew someone could smile so cutely?


Hyunjin smiles to himself as he texted Jeongin, who was beginning to warm up to him. 

Hyunjin knows that Jeongin would be the death of him.

IMPERVIOUS.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ