chapter four: little things.

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now playing; baby please - black pool

Jeongin lets out light breathy laughter as he places small colourful flowers in his fluffy brown hair, enjoying the breezy weather. He and Seungmin were spending their free time at the park near the university. They both sat under a tall tree, staying in the shade.

Jeongin loved when it was breezy. He liked when the breeze made his bangs move to one side, or if it made his shirt stick to his body. Any sort of movement the breeze made on him made him feel happy.

Jeongin was sitting criss crossed as Seungmin's head laid in his lap. The latter kept his eyes closed, listening to Jeongin's breathy laughter. He liked it when Jeongin was too occupied to realise he was laughing, it made Seungmin's heart feel at ease.

"Seungminie hyung," Jeongin spoke. Jeongin would speak when he felt comfortable enough. It was hard, not being able to hear what you're saying or to hear your tone. Seungmin opens his eyes, smiling softly at Jeongin, moving his eyebrows questioningly. Jeongin shows Seungmin his colourfully decorated hair, earning signed praises.

Jeongin enjoyed these little moments, made him feel okay for once.


Jeongin thickly swallows as he watches the same male as the other day walk up to him, what did he need?

"Hey, can I borrow your notes?" Hyunjin asks, wiping his sweaty hands on his jeans. He searches the male's face for any source of discomfort.

Jeongin is unable to read the male's lips as the latter likes to mumble. Jeongin scrunches his face, then points to the book on his desk, unsure whether his assumption is correct. The male then nods his head, indicating that he did indeed need Jeongin's notes. Jeongin hesitantly hands the male his notes, looking up at the latter with big questioning eyes.

Why did he need his notes?

Why did he go to Jeongin for notes? Out of so many students?

Jeongin silently watched the male from his seat, watching the male do absolutely nothing with his notes.

What a strange guy.

Jeongin walks up to the male's seat nervously, fiddling with his sleeves. He points to his pink notebook, immediately turning shy when the male looks at him with a smile. "Oh! Yeah, here." At least Jeongin could understand that, boy does the male mumble. Jeongin nods his head, grabbing the notebook.


Jeongin flipped through his notebook, trying to find the page where he had written down a very important topic. He was studying for the upcoming exam, wanting to make use of being in a very good university.

Instead of finding the important page, he finds a small note slipped in his book instead.

✎ 0*********
text me, seems like talking isn't your thing.
- Hwang Hyunjin.

Jeongin doesn't realise that he was smiling to himsel while he looked at the number on the sticky note, shaking his head.

Let's just say he had different plans that night.

Hwang Hyunjin

Hello, Hwang Hyunjin?

Who's this?

Uhm, that boy that you borrowed notes

What's your name? Or do you just go by 'that boy that you borrowed notes from'?

Lame :p
My name is Yang Jeongin

Yang Jeongin.. aight
So, why don't ya talk much? Too shy?


Jeongin turns his phone off, maybe this is a bad idea.

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