Chapter 17

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Victor's POV 1st Person Omniscient

I wake up the next morning with Yuri still clutched in my arms, without having moved. I look at the clock on the other side of the bed, it reads 6:59 am. I scan the room for my phone, knowing in a few seconds our alarm will go off, and wanting to stop it before it wakes Yuri. Then I feel it, having slept at a right angle all night with my head lolling around I didn't notice the rectangle poking me from my back pocket. Slowly I unwind my arms from Yuri, and attempt to raise myself a few inches off the bed so I can reach my pocket. My arm finds the cellphone and pulls it free, as I slouch back down onto the bed. Yuri shifts slightly in his sleep, and pulls my left arm into his, using it as a pillow. I smile, he looks so peaceful. The phone explodes, well, it doesn't really explode, but the alarm goes off, causing me to jump and lose my hold on the small device. It soars through the air and lands across from me, under the bed still buzzing and ringing loudly. I quickly get up and rush over to the other side to turn it off before it wakes Yuri but as I stand I'm pulled down by my left arm. Yuri is holding onto it for dear life, and isn't letting go, I fear that if I just pull my arm away too quickly he'll wake up, and he really needs his sleep. I leave my arm suspended in mid air and peer under the bed, the phone's there, flashing and buzzing as ever, and the noise is really getting on my nerves now. I slide my lower half as far under the bed as I can manage with my arm still halfway on the bed and kick around, hoping to bring the phone closer to me. It's close to my right foot, so close! And yet so far, it's about an inch away, and my legs, my long ice skater legs can't reach it. I sigh and with a final stretch return to a bent over standing position. Okay, that alarm is really making me crazy! I thought, the noise seeming to bore a hole in my brain. It seems to have a similar affect on Yuri and he shifts around, causing me to tumble onto the bed, just narrowly avoiding crushing him. I survey his death grip on my arm and know that I have to shut that noise off, and I can't do it with my arm held captive. I grab a pillow and prepare to pull the old magician's trick where you pull the table cloth off the table and nothing falls. 1, I count down, 2, here goes nothing, 3! I yank my arm from Yuri's grip and shove the pillow in the replace it. I freeze, waiting for his reaction. He simply rolls over, showing no indication of a disturbance. He really can sleep through anything. I say to myself gratefully, crossing the room and delving under the bed. Pulling my phone out I silence the alarm. Finally, quiet. I inwardly sigh and flop down into a small armchair. I turn my gaze once again to Yuri and find him sitting up, rubbing his eyes. Weren't you just asleep? I think, confused.

"Yeah, I was, but you screamed 'FINALLY!' and that kind of woke me up." Yuri replies with a small smile. Apparently I voiced my question out loud. Great. He can sleep through anything but me.

"Go back to sleep," I say quickly, "I'm sorry I woke you." I come to his side and attempt to pull the covers back around him, but he waves me off.

"No, I'm okay, we should really get to the rink and practice anyway." I freeze, he's acting like he has no memory of yesterday, or of being sick at all. Well, I reason, he was pretty out of it. He was delirious after all, it's normal that he doesn't remember. Anything?

"How do you feel?" I ask him tentatively, "You were really sick yesterday, you shouldn't really be going anywhere right now." He stares blankly at me. What about the proposal?  

"Um, I only vaguely remember yesterday, but I feel okay now. How bad was I? When I get sick I do really embarrassing things." He says, with a slightly ominous expression on his face. I force a grin and a laugh,

"You were fine, really out of it though, you kept muttering in Japanese, I couldn't make most of it out." I say, trying to sound convincing, No, you didn't do anything embarrassing, I just proposed to you, and you accepted. I inwardly face palm.

Yuri!!! On Ice Book 1Where stories live. Discover now