Chapter 26

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I was sitting in my room, my computer hooked up to the medic bot. I was running a new programming thing I found.

So far, it worked well. But I was also trying to figure out a way to stop John, without showing my power and breaking our friendship.

Being Demon was out of the options as people would wonder why a superhero came to show up and who it was. Plus it doesn't help that I do sometimes wear what I call my uniform in public, but people shouldn't notice.

Going straight up to him was dumb. Say he's Demon, ha! He'll just deny it and I wouldn't be able to unmask him.

I also have a theory that Cecile has been helping him. My only lead on that though is seeing her talk to him, about there next attack. But that was awhile ago, before we had gotten Sera back. Those guys had been beaten to a pulp by him.

Yeah. So I basically got nothing.

I sigh as I kept programming the medic bot.

Still had to paint it too.

Time skip

I've been staying in my room recently. Sorta at least.

I skipped classes for the next two days so I could crack down on my robot work and trying to figure out how to catch John before another attack.

But I failed. He got to Blyke.

I had managed to get access to security cameras on the outside of the building, while still making it seem like everything was normal. I just watched.

But I saw John and Blyke fight. Blyke got destroyed once John got ahold of his ability.

By the time he got back to the dorm he was still bandaged up. I was making a sandvich.

Y/n: i saw what happened

Blyke: and you didn't do anything about?

Y/n: i saw on the cameras. I was still in here

I walked to my room before grabbing a spare Quick-Fix I kept.

I walked back out and set it on the counter. I pointed it at Blyke and turned it on. Healed the last bit of injuryi he had.

Then I put it away.

Blyke: that seems useful

Y/n: it is. But if try healing your own ass in battle with it, it turns from useful to useless

Time skip

I went to class today, but once it ended I forced myself to go to town.

I was spending to much time in my room.

So I went to the mall, earned some pocket change by playing my guitar and bought a few things for myself and got a drink.

By the time I got back i found out Cecile. I didn't find out earlier cause I wasn't paying attention, and I may or may not have skipped half the day.

So I made myself a mental note, noting when the hierarchy will crash. The people he needs to take down.

There is 1 known person left. And 1 unknown person left.

Remi and I.

By now everyone knows this. That he's going for Remi next.

So i was back in my room, working on a Scout bot.

Then Blyke basically crashed through my door.

Blyke: John is Joker!

I looked at him with a strange stare before looking back at my computer.

Y/n: I know

Blyke: what?!

Y/n: I knew about John having powers for a long time now, but he doesn't know about mine. My friends do some digging to make sure i know who I'm hanging out with. The previous king of New Bostin.

I laughed to myself.

Y/n: use to go there myself. Before i was, you know. John beat the entire school into submission. They rose up and fell. Luckily for me this was after I was kidnapped so I wasn't beaten into oblivion. But I do hold a grudge for him, I just don't let it show. He probably doesn't even remember me

Blyke: he beat them all? Everyone?

Y/n: everyone. It was a dark times(those 90s), but I pulled through. I just stayed in the shadows and he never usually walked right past me. But if he noticed me? I got beaten up

Blyke: damn...

Y/n: so I'm going to enjoy this fight. I'll help Remi

Blyke: don't let him win

Y/n: I'll try, but I'm not god

He looked at me then left and i finished programming it then sent it off.

I then walked over to my closet. I opened it and pulled out my gear. My toolbox, shotgun, pistol, Detonator, wall climbers and my uniform. Then at my gunslinger.

Y/n: soon John. Your rain of terror ends


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