Chapter 2 - Something new

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Look at that ! The title rhymes ! Anyway, hope you enjoy this new chapter :D

No one's POV

"Why did you leave me..?"

"I hate you"

"It's your fault..."


Dream gasped as he woke up, feeling a bit anxious from the nightmare he just had. It wasn't his first though.

Ever since his brother disappeared, he would dream about him. He was used to it by now but sometimes he would still feel really bad after waking up.

The young skeleton wiped his tears and slowly stood up. He glanced at the bed on the other side of the room. Blue was calmly sleeping on it.

Dream wasn't tired anymore and he didn't want to bother his friend, but since he needed to cool down a bit he changed into normal clothes and went outside.

Dream walked for more than an hour. It was such a wonderful night. He didn't mind day time of course, but you know, sometimes a calm walk outside in the fresh air with nobody yelling or anything is nice.

Well, it was calm until he started hearing howls. "A wolf near the village ?" He wondered to himself. "I thought animals tried to avoid people...."

He looked toward where the howl came from. There, in between the trees, stood a wolf. In this dark night it was impossible to tell what the wolf looked like except for 2 things.

One, he had a huge shadow. It looked like it could definetly be high enough to crush him.

And two, it had one red and blue glowing eye. The creature was staring at Dream, and who knows what it wanted ?

Dream knew that running would only trigger it. Instead, he slowly sat down and waited for the wolf to lose it's interest.

The wolf didn't seem to go away. In fact, it slowly walked to the skeleton. It entered the moonlight, revealing his appearance.

Dream recognized it. It was the white wolf which saved Reaper. Well, unless every wolf has scars on their right eye and their chest. But that was impossible. The creature stood there, not too far, but not too close from the monster. It looked at Dream like he waited some kind of action to happen.

Dream's POV

I couldn't believe what was happening. First, this wolf seems to recognize me the same way I did for it, but now it's coming toward me. And what's worse is that it's making me want to pet it. I mean, wolf are like dogs, and dogs are adorable !

I slowly put my hand in front of me and tried to reach for the wolf. Guess what ? It's putting it's head on my hand ! Omg it's so adorable ! I'm definetly gonna have to tell Blue. Oh wait, what if it bites me when I try to go away ?

I took off my hand from the animal and stood up. It whined and slowly looked away. It was probably as scared as me. "Listen mister or miss wolf, I have to go back home, my friend will be worried if I'm not there when he wakes up. But maybe I can come back tomorrow night if I'm awake ! Is that okay ?"

The wolf smiled at me. Wait, smiled ? I didn't know wolf could smile :0

The creature nodded and started to walk away while looking at me. It almost felt like it said goodbye to me. Oh well, I guess I have a new friend now :D

I eventually walked away too, heading to Blue's appartment.

Later that day...

"No way ?! You were with a wolf ??" Blue asked as if I had survived a zombie apocalypse. I mean, he's not wrong. Wolves are dangerous.

"Don't worry ! I'm fine ! Plus i was able to pet it so it's a double win !" I said happily. "You want to come with me next time ?"

"No thanks !" He answered, almost shivering. "I like animals but wolves are scary okay ?"

"But Bluuuuue..! It's nice ! It won't hurt you...." I said while pouting. Well then, that's fine I guess. I'll just go alone again- "Can I come ?" Said someone who was behind me. I jumped and protected myself by putting Blue in front of me.

"Chill, Dream, it's just me" Reaper said while chuckling a bit. Blue was just mad at me for using him as a barrier. "Sorry" I said while looking at them.

"So you wanna come with me to see the wolf ?" I asked Reaper before receiving a nod. "Yeah, it is the wolf who saved my life right ?"

No one's POV

I know what you're thinking. Why would Reaper wants to meet the wolf who attacked him ? Well that's simple :D it didn't. It never attacked him. It protected itself from his dad, but it never actually decided to jump on them.

"Then yeah, I wanna see it. I wanna thank it for sparing me. And I also want to say sorry for the trouble." Reaper said, trying to remember the day it happened. "Okay ! Are you fine with waking up early though ?" The happy skeleton asked to the other. "Yeah, I'm fine with it. Here, call me when we'll be going" Reaper answered while handing a piece of paper with his number on it to his friend.

Dream and Blue headed to class as the bell rang. And so did Reaper. But what they didn't knew is that someone heard them. And this was gonna make the next meeting with the wolf a lot more interesting.

Oh my god I had so much fun making this chapter :DD IS THAT WHAT IT FEELS TO MAKE FANFICTION ?! ...Okay okay I'm calm now xD

Hmmm.... I wonder if there's life after death ? Oh, that's not important, see y'all later~

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