Love & Insomnia

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Tweek sat alone in his room, staring up at the ceiling. He'd stayed up all night, anxious about the new school year. His foot moved restlessly under the comforter and he gave into boredom and checked his phone.

4:00 am.

Too early to get up and start getting ready for school but far too late to go to bed. A power nap maybe? He considered the idea but knew he wouldn't be able to do it, sleep doesn't come easy on a good night. Being overwhelmed and worrying about having to adjust to a new schedule made it impossible.

He sighed and turned his phone screen back on, he chewed on his lower lip and opened his messages. He clicked the conversation between him and ☆Space Cadet☆. He began typing a message but quickly decided Craig wouldn't be awake yet and erased it. He put his phone down to resume staring at the ceiling when his phone buzzed.

☆Space Cadet☆
I saw that, Tweekers.

Tweek smiled and texted back.

Can't sleep eothwr?


☆Space Cadet☆
Nah, too excited for tomorrow. You?

I don't think excited is the right word...more like worrying as if I'm being sent off to die

☆Space Cadet☆
Hey, dont work yourself up honey. I'll be right there with you the whole time, I promise.

What if they put us in different classes? What if we don't even have the same lunch?? And we're too busy with school work to ever see each other again ????

☆Space Cadet☆
I know all of those thoughts must make you feel terrible and I'm hear to listen, always. Can I offer some peace of mind though?


☆Space Cadet☆
We're going to be in the same classes, maybe not all of them but most of them. We always have been, neither of us changed our last names so we'll be fine. And we went to the school to make sure we had the same lunch over the summer, remember?

☆Space Cadet☆
Everything will be just like last year. We'll be okay. You will be okay, and I'll be with you every step of the way.

Yea, alright. I think I'm okay now, thank.tou

*thank you

☆Space Cadet☆
It's my job to make you feel better. Now, try to sleep. I know two hours isn't much but it'll be better than running on nothing.

Good night <3

☆Space Cadet☆
Goodnight ♡

Tweek turned his phone off and rolled over, feeling calmer than he had in weeks and fell asleep thinking of how much Craig meant to him.

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