Authors note sry

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Hey guys sry I haven't updated I have been talking to a few ppl lately and they said I could as them in my story! I'm so happy but I also need ur guys help to give me some ideas for this story I have writers block so I'm just like umm? so yeah I need y'all's help so plz just tell me in the comments and I am adding 3 more girls so now there is Ani,Kyler,Olivia or Liv,Ginnina,and last but not least Alyssa! ok do tell me in the comments ur ideas and tell me if I should make a twitter for this account if so then I will! alright guys and girls probably girls but if there's guys then guys but that's all for today and I will post soon hopefully!bye!!!!

Xoxo,Alyssa 💜❤️

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