chapter 1 flashback

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Chapter 1 *Flashback*

She lied to me. She said she was ok. She said she was superwoman but that was all a lie. A tear slipped from my eye.

I was trying to fight them but more kept comming. I hated crying because I hated pity. The people wo had pity didn't care,they

were just mocking you. All they cared about was "looking" symphathetic.

It was my turn to put a rose on the coffin. Why did you leave? I thought .......... I stoped myself before I had a break down.

"I love you mom," were my last words to her. I ran, ran as far away I could and cried my eyes out. After that I never cried again. I

tried to but it never worked. I even give myself headaches trying to but many times I thought of giving up because now that

she was gone no one could comfort me.

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