You love me? (Trek x reader)

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A/n: You are a gormian like The Heralds and Aoki you live in the rock realm and are the lightning Gormiti and your Siran's little sister

You were walking with Aoki and the heralds to the rock realm to activate a beacon which is located in a cave underground.

"Hey guys how bout we go this way." Riff said thinking he is the leader.

You then stood beside Ikor. "What's wrong with Riff?" You asked

"He doesn't like when others lead." Ikor explained to you

"Oh come on this way is faster," Riff said again you then looked at him. "It'll take forever the bracer is like a cazillion years old it could be pointing us the wrong way!" Riff told you guys.

"But it's not and were going this way!" Trek told Riff pointing straight ahead

"Give me 1 reasons on why your way is better." Riff told us

"Were here!" Trek told Riff as we came to a stop Riff then ran ahead of us

"Riff, wait!" You shouted to him and ran after him going in the cave with Trek slowly behind you

As you guys were running rocks were falling any more rocks fall and everything will cave in. Trek was catching them

"Ouch!" Trek said as a small rock fell on his head. "Let's go! Anymore rocks fall and the cave will collapse with us In it.

"Let's activate that becon then." You told him he grabbed you hand and ran ahead

"How about we activate the beacon at once!" Riff said you shook your head no

"Wait, Riff, no! You can't only Trek has to activate the beacon each Gormiti must activate their own Beacon in their own realm." You tried to say but as Trek tried to do it on his own Riff's wrist got in the way and messed with the system and the place started to crumble a whole in the ground opened up and you guys fell in lucky you Trek caught you and placed you on his stomach making you blush as he held on to the wall and you like he was Rock climbing same with Riff only he was on the other wall.

"This is all my fault, why did I do that now were gonna die!" Riff said he then looked to us. "Aren't you gonna say it isn't my fault!?" Riff asked

"But it is your fault, you activated the beacon when I told you Trek needed to do it!" You shouted and faced the wall

"Well, you know the saying Fire doesn't listen!" Riff tried to make an excuse

"Well, Fire should listen if he wants to make it out alive!" Trek told him with an angry grunt

"I've got an Idea but you'll have to listen to me If you want to get back up there." Trek told him

"Okay!" Riff said

"We have to go back to back and climbed back up the wall using our feet okay." Trek told him

"Well, I was thinking we could climb from that rock up there." Riff tried to lead but you just grunted at him

"Right you lead your the boss, boss." Riff told him you smiled. "But what about Y/n how will she get back up?" Riff asked

"Don't worry I can manage we rockies stick together I am also the strongest in the group I can lift her as were climbing." Trek reminded Riff he nodded and they started to let go and linked arms and used their feet to climb you had your eyes closed the whole time

"It's okay Y/n were almost back up." Trek told you he then lifted you up to safety first and you helped the boys up Trek activated the beacon and you ran out before the place collapsed you then see Gredd attacking the team

You used you Bracer to shoot at him after five minutes of fighting with Gredd he was defeated and went back to the dark realm you sighed with relief

"Thank god all that is done." You said

"Yeah, and I'm hungry." Trek said as he took a bite of his Slogue bar

You giggled Trek then walked over to you pulling you away from the team

"Hey, Y/n you did great out there." Trek told you and hugged you, you blushed and hugged your friend back

"Hey ,Y/n?" Trek asked

"Hmm?" You looked over to him

"IREALLYLOVEYOU!" Trek told you really fast

'You Love Me?" You asked he nodded and kissed you full on the lips you kissed back and placed your arms around his neck while his hands snaked around your waist

"I Love You Too." You told him smiling

You couldn't wait to tell Siran about this when all this is over

You both then walked back hand in hand smiling

A/n: Sorry guys but that's all I got so far sorry for it not making since or whatever but yeah it's all I got it took me awhile to get that and no bullying, no negative comments and no swearing in the comments.

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