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Lily had this all planned out. First, she would need to meet up with Nugget, ask him to retrieve a few things. Then she would ask Monty to read the note for her.

So she went over to where Nugget was sitting and sat next to him, not saying a word. "Does the pretty Lily wish to sit next to Nugget? Or did the pretty Lily want to talk about other stuff?" He asked, taking one of his pills.

"The stuff we were talking about earlier." She responded.

"Ah, okay. Though you should probably be less... direct with your needs." He whispered. Lily looked at him, puzzled, before noticing the device in his pockets.

"Wait a minute, this is perfect!" She thought to herself. Now she just needs a phone...

"I know what you need. I- er, Nugget will go get it." Nugget walked up to the dinner lady, paid for the food, then left the room.

"Okay... good." Lily thought to herself. "Now I just need to take this to Monty." Before she approached Monty, she noticed that there was a pink letter next to where Nugget was sitting.

"He must've dropped this..." She thought to herself. She decided to pick it up and keep it in her pocket.

Suddenly, Buggs stood up from where he was sitting and started shouting. "HEY! Where's that idiot of a kid? I need something to throw slob at." He yelled.

Lily ignored him and approached Monty, ready to show him the letter from Billy. As she was about to start a conversation, Buggs threw a slob at Lily, hitting her hair.

"JANITOR! The pile of mess over there is even messier!" Buggs shouted at the janitor. The janitor got up and walked towards Lily and Monty.

"Alright, who threw that? Was it you Monty?" The janitor asked. Monty looked at him, frustrated.

"I didn't do anything, janitor!" He responded. Monty turned away from the janitor. "Stupid idiot. That janitor isn't able to spell biscuit or properly solve an argument."

The janitor immediately looked at him angrily. "Oh did you think out loud? Whoops. Now you're gonna be screaming out loud!" He started whacking Monty aggressively and repeatedly.

Lily gasped. "No! What do I do now..." She thought to herself. In the corner of her eye, she saw Buggs sneak out of the room. She quickly looked at where the dinner lady usually was, and they weren't there.

There was an opportunity to escape.

But she still needed a phone.

She glanced at Monty, who was still getting hit by the janitor. The janitor whacked Monty's pocket and a phone flew out, sliding across and stopping next to the door.

Lily dashed for the door as fast as she could, trying not to getting caught by the janitor. Before she opened the door, she picked up the phone. Luckily, nobody saw her escape.

The halls were empty and quiet, the only sound that could be heard was Monty's screaming from the cafeteria.

After a few seconds, Nugget started rushing down the hall and towards the lunch room.

"Nugget is nearly finished gathering the items! But he needs one more thing. Nugget asks if the pretty Lily could wait here a minute so Nugget can grab something?" He asks in a hurry.

Not wanting to delay him, Lily responded immediately. "Yes, yes! Whatever you're gonna do, make it quick."

Nugget rushed into the cafeteria, grabbed something that was next to Monty and rushed back to where Lily was.

"Okay. What's the pretty Lily's plan to get into the principal's office?" Nugget asked.

"The principal is still in the office, so we need to draw him out, which is why I have this phone." Lily showed Nugget the phone. "So we're gonna have to find a place to hide, call him, make him go somewhere else, then we sneak in."

Nugget looked at her, smiling. "The pretty Lily has a good plan."

Lily had a tiny blush on her face. "Thanks Nugget." She responded.

"Anyways, we need to find a room that we are able to hide in. Got any ideas?" Lily asked.

"I was thinking maybe the room next to the classroom would work." Nugget replied. Then he pulled out a box of cigarettes. "I am also prepared for the Hall Monitor, as I know he would probably be in there."

"I hadn't even thought of that! Good thinking bringing those cigarettes, Nugget." Lily complimented Nugget.

They entered the room confidently, before seeing... Buggs and the Hall Monitor talking to each other.

"You are an idiot. Don't you see I need to go somewhere?" Buggs shouted at the Hall Monitor.

"Sorry little dude. But you aren't allowed in here. Now get out." The Hall Monitor responded.

After waiting a few seconds, the Hall Monitor looked at Nugget and Lily. "Woah! Never thought I'd see this."

Buggs looked confused. "See what?" The Hall Monitor ignored him and walked towards the two at the door.

He looked at Lily. "You aren't allowed to do this type of stuff. I know you and your boyfriend want some private time, but you need to wait until you're older."

Lily looked at the Hall Monitor, puzzled. "What do you mean by not being old enough?" Then a small blush appeared on her face. "What do you mean by 'you and your boyfriend'?"

A blush appeared on Nugget's face shortly afterwards. Buggs saw the two blushes and smirked.

The Hall Monitor looked at them. "Oh, uh nothing. Just go back to lunch please." He demanded.

Nugget, while still blushing, pulled out a pack of cigarettes and gave them to the Hall Monitor.

The Hall Monitor's expression turned from slightly annoyed to amazed. "Okay you guys can stay in here then." He responded to the gift, taking the cigarettes and heading towards the door.

"Don't have too much fun though." He said with a smile on his face, before closing the door.

Lily and Nugget looked at each other, their faces bright pink. They stared at each other for ten seconds.

"HEY! I'm standing right here, so don't get too cozy with each other." Buggs shouted. Lily and Nugget both jumped, forgetting that Buggs was still here.

"Sh-shut up! We weren't gonna do anything." Lily responded, face still pink. She had to slap herself a few times to snap out of it.

"Okay, okay. Now, the next part of the plan..."

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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