Chapter 2

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Diagon Ally

That morning I rushed out of bed. I got ready in record time and waiting by the door.

"Let's apparate." My dad suggested, again we all nodded and hooked arms. All of us were eager to go shopping.

The first place we went when we got there was Ollivander's. I walked into the eerie wand shop and saw an old man sitting behind the counter.

"Hogwarts?" He asked lifting his head.

I nodded and he beckoned me forward, "Let's see, let's see...." He turned around and grabbed a wand, "12 inches, willow, dragon heartstring, flexible. Give it a wave."

I did and I'm pretty sure I blew up something....Oh well.

We tried maybe six more before his eyes brightened, "Ahh...Maybe....English Oak wood, Phoenix feather core, 12 1/2 inches, reasonably supple flexibility. You my dear, have a wonderful wand...." He said thoughtfully.

I looked at my wand and smiled, "Bye!" I said as I walked out the doors to get all my other equipment.

As I was walking I crashed into someone, "Oof-sorry!" I said steadying myself.

Then I looked up and saw a boy with long, shaggy hair, "It's fine. I'm Sirius by the way. Sirius Black." He said grinning.

"I'm Emily Alcorn." I said while dusting myself off.

"Your American." He stated.

I laughed, "What gave it away?" I said teasingly.

He raised an eyebrow, "I don't know...maybe your accent."

"Well I better be going. See you at Hogwarts?" I asked.

He nodded and then we went our separate ways. He was nice. I said to myself as I went to find my parents.

"What took you so long?" My mom asked when I found them.

"I bumped into someone." I said slightly smirking.

"Already making friends I see." What's her name?" My dad asked.

"Well he's a he, and his name is Sirius Black." I said patting my dad's shoulder.

"Boyfriends? Already. My girls all grown up." My dad said poking me.

"No!" I said quickly, "I barely know him."

"Wait aren't the Black's our neighbors. They live in Number 12 Grimmauld place I believe." My mom added.

I shook my head. My parents were impossible.

"Do we have everything?" I asked interrupting my parents and their thoughts.

We all looked around and my dad nodded, "It looks that way."

"Wait!" My mom said turning around, "One more thing." When she turned towards us again she was carrying a cat, "I know you love cats so I decided to by you one."

When I saw it I squealed and ran up to hug my mom, "Thank you so much!" I cried.

"What are you going to name it?" My dad asked.

"It's a female right?" I asked quickly. My mom nodded.

"Well then I shall name it Nox." Since it was a black cat I decided it was the best name for it. Besides Salem and Midnight seemed a little too common.

My parents nodded and smiled as I coed over the small, black cat.

"Shall we return home?" My dad asked grabbing some of my things.

"Sure thing!" I said grinning.

This was one of the best days of my entire life, and that was saying something.


A Christian at Hogwarts (Sirius Black) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now