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Ed, 16 years old boy from a muslim family. Born with the name of Adhi Shaheer. Ed is one of thousands victims of war, violence and chaos that cause his country collapse in dark and hard times.
His family gone, Ed mother, Sofia Jamela at least a name that he remembered died few seconds after Ed and his Twins sister Andheela Jamela born and catch up their first breath. Worse thing happen to his father, Ali Gandhi Shaheer that died 8 years later, he died because step up into a land mines that blow him apart right in front of Ed and Andheela. Since then Ed and Andheela lives in the refugees camp.
Everyday become fear, Everyday become worries, at any point they live are in dangers. Waiting and wanting peace. Even in the refugees camp they live aren't " free " they need to follow rules and order just to make sure that they'll have a place to sleep at night and food to stay alive. They have to do chores, and sometimes do the others. But what else they can do after all? they don't have options.
A soldier name Fathur is the one who bring them to the camp. Fathur found Ed and Andheela while he's doing his mission. The mission was to burn down Ed's villages and build up a military camp there, feelings sorry about what happen to Ed and Andheela Fathur decided to take care of 'em. Fathur know exactly how hard lives in the refugees camp are. Once a month Fathur visit the refugees camp, to see Ed and Andheela, at least make sure that they're still alive. Fathur is the only one being nice to 'em.

Everytime they met, they always feelings happy and forget about the war and lifes burden for at least a few hours.

Ed : " Andheela!! look! it's Fathur, he's return "

Andheela : " thanks god it's you, i miss you so much, i thought that i never see you again, come here Fathur give me a  hug you! "

smiling face from Andheela shows how happy she is, happiness that can't be bought with money but came out from heart, It's priceless.

Fathur : " come here, my precious! look what i got here "

Fathur bring them an apple, a simple things but it's a gift given with loves and compassion

Although life's hard but knowing that there are someone still love and care 'bout you, will make you stronger and having the reason to live.
Because the best thing to hold onto in life is each other.

Ed, Andheela and Fathur still have that feelings while the other may have been lost it for some reasons, even they're didn't know each other before, love and compassion bound them together

Suddenly, gunshot heard.....

I'm really sorry for the grammar, because I'm still learning, and also it's my first time publish a stroty, but I'll make sure it'll get better over time,
Hope u guys enjoy the story, tap the notif button so you'll not gonna miss the next part, thanks :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2019 ⏰

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