'What are you doing?' asked Uraraka looking behind her and seeing the civilian's sad faces to see her get away.

'I'm sick of this shit.' he said before rounding the corner letting go of her arm. 'I'm not fucking standing around doing nothing.' he replied before letting go of her arm.

Uraraka didn't know what to say. She just stood there with a pout. She wanted to go back and take the pictures and sign the autographs to make them happy but at the same time she knew she had a job to do. By the look of Bakugou's annoyed expression, she felt like she didn't have much of a choice anyways.

'That's not really nice, you know. People don't like it when we're rude to them.' said Uraraka with a sad smile. She still could see the sad smile on their faces in her mind.

'Why should I care? It's not my fucking job to make sure they're happy.'

'I mean, it's good to be a hero but it's always better to be a nice one.' She replied and Bakugou stayed silent. 'I'm sure some people would like you more if you weren't grumpy all the time.' She finished on a lighter note but Bakugou didn't seem to like what she said.

'I'm not grumpy all the time.' He said and Uraraka let out a giggle under her breath.

'I mean you do have a little bit of an attitude. You're not the same angry fifteen years old you were in first year.' She said half joking. She realized that the tone of her voice might have given him the impression that she was teasing him, which wasn't the case. 'I mean...' she started not knowing what to say. Bakugou looked at her. 'I mean you weren't so bad. But you do still look like a little grumpy like you used to.'

After a little pause, Bakugou looked away.

'Easy for you to say. People thought I'd end up being a villain back then.' He said which shut Uraraka up.

He wasn't wrong. Thinking about that time didn't bring any good memories. People were horrible to him back when she was fifteen. Yes, he was rude and not a good team player when they were young, but he wasn't evil. Even when we was mean to Deku or when he was being a brat (most of the time), he wasn't evil. 

'I never thought that. They were wrong to treat you that way.' she said feeling her blood boil. 'We were kids back then. We weren't perfect. You're more of a hero than anyone else.'

Bakugou stayed silent. Uraraka felt like she had said too much but still felt better after saying those words to him. However, she was a little embarrassed by her choice and was probably fuelling his ego more than it already was. She was surprised to even hear him say a little 'whatever' under his breathe. 

They continued to do their patrol of the neighbourhood and interviewing the ones they needed to talk to. After what felt like more than it should, they finally said their goodbyes to the last family they had to interview and made their way back to the office.

'What a long day.' Uraraka yawn stretching her arms forward feeling her eyes getting sleepy. 'I can't wait to get home and sleep. I'll ask Mina to order some take-out before I get home.' she continued looking at Bakugou without waiting for a response.

'I'm glad this is over so I can actually do my actual job.' he replied and Uraraka felt a little sad to see him so glad to get this over with. 'Why are you look at me like that?'

'What?' she said before looking away. 'Nothing, I'm just tired that all.'

'Sure, whatever.' he replied and turned around.

Uraraka spent the rest of their patrol in her head. She knew that he was only doing his job and nothing else. It's not like she was important or something.

When she finally got back home, she found Mina on the couch watching TV.

'So, long day at work?' she asked and Uraraka simply nodded. 'Anything interesting?'

'Not really, I finished my last interviews with Bakugou today. I'm probably going back to doing paperwork again.'

'Are you going to see him again?' asked Mina far too excited for her own good.

Uraraka stopped to think. Even if she wanted to, she probably wasn't going to see him again. They were done with patrol and he looked like he didn't want to spend another second with her. Deep down, Uraraka had a feeling that this was one of the last time she was going to see him.

'I don't think so.' Uraraka replied before heading to the bathroom to take a shower.

'That's a shame.'

Yeah it was.

When Uraraka was about to close the door, Mina pushed the door open which also hit Uraraka in the face.

'Wanna go on a double date with me?'

'Double date? With who?'

'Guys from work?'


'It's a secret...'


'I can't tell you?'

'What if I don't like him?'

'You will.'

'I don't believe you.'

'Can you just trust once in you life?'


'This Saturday.'

Uraraka sighed.

'I'll think about it.'

'So it's a yes?'

'It's a maybe.'

Mina smiled and Uraraka was already regretting it.

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