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"This is it? Doesn't look like much" Lin spoke up after the group of four had been standing in silence in front of the big club with flashing lights, big and muscly bouncers guarding the brick covered wall that had spray painted words in green and purple on it, booming music of different kinds and an intimidatingly long line that snaked from the set of black double doors to where Lin could barely see the end. She however had no intentions of standing in that line until she may or may not be denied entry, no, she was going to do the very rude act of cutting line or getting one of the bouncers attention.

"Lin you can't do that-" Lisa, a tall, muscular woman with hair as white as newly fallen snow, protested in a shrill voice. Her face was twisted into one of annoyance and her blue eyes glaring down at her.

"'course I can, don't be silly" Lin smirked at her taller friend before tossing a wink at the other girl in their small group. Anna;a petite brunette girl that had recently graduated from college and had come home to her hometown to be with her dying mother.

Lin puffed up her hair, adjusted her dress and strode up to the closest bouncer with a smirk on her red-painted lips. Her sneaker clad feet slapped against the ground before she stopped just in front of the red rope that forced people to stay in line, not that that would stop Lin in any way.

She ignored Lisa's protests and crossed her arms in front of her stomach to press together her already ample chest and hopefully sway the bouncer to do as she wished. "Hello there", Lin whispered and looked up at him through her lashes.

The bouncer turned around to face her before his eyes widened and he cleared his throat. "H-hey", he stuttered and pulled his collar.

"My friends and I wanted to know if we could y'know get into the club a little early." Lin smiled. "It's very cold out here and the line is so long", she pouted before biting her lip and shifting on her feet.

"I don't know." The guard responded and bit his thin lip with a thoughtful expression. "Boss doesn't like it when we break his rules"

"Joker cares about the queues? I'm sorry but I don't think the clown minds letting in the pretty girls before the groupies. So do us a favor and I'll go talk to the boss if he's got any problems" Lin leaned forward and placed a manicured hand on his muscled arm. "He doesn't have to know"

"Just get in" The bouncer sighed and lifted the heavy, red rope from the metal poles it was attached to before waving for them to enter the club, unknowingly changing Lin's whole life.

"Thanks, big guy" Lin smirks before slinking past him and into the crowded club that was already dulling her senses and spinning her head in ways she doesn't want it to.

The girls stepped inside the club and was immediately blinded by the strobe lights that flashed in different colors, their ears ringed with the loud, vibrating music that made their hearts beat faster and bodies vibrate from the heavy bass. People were all around them, crowding them and bombarding their noses with smells of sweat, cheap perfume and alcohol of different kinds. Lin wrinkled her nose and pushed past the people in front of her, not gentle by any means. A few of them protested but their objections fell on deaf ears.

The trio moved to the bar, two of them looking for drinks and Lin watching out for them. Lin, the leader, went up to the bar and ordered two shots of whatever it was that the other girls liked to poison their senses with; she on the other hand would never drink unless she was feeling safe with them. The bartender, a young woman with dark brown hair and glowing dark skin smiled at her before nodding and reaching behind her to grab some of the many bottles behind her. Lin winked at the woman and sat down in one of the empty seats.

"What's your name" Lin grinned, placing a hand under her chin and leaning back in the seat.

"Michaela" The dark-skinned woman responded with her back turned to Lin, her body swaying to the music and fingers tapping against the shelf as she poured alcohol into the small glasses. "What about you, stranger?", her voice was light and tinkling as she playfully shot the cliché question back.

Lovely {Suicide squad}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang