"Akiva is coming with us."

"The more the merrier, right." Finn says with a humoured smile. I just shake my head with a small laugh before following them to where the meeting is.


We reached the bridge where we are supposed to meet the grounders. First thing I see was Octavia, but I wasn't surprised. I knew she had been seeing the grounder and I promised I would keep it a secret. She needed to be happy.

"So, that's how you set this up. You helped him escape, didn't you?" Clarke says, with judgement in her voice.

"I trust him, Clarke." Octavia says, reassuring her.

"There's a lot of that going around." Clarke comments.

"Someone's coming." Finn says. Lincoln, the grounder that stabbed Finn, walks out of the woods, jogging to us.

Octavia runs into the hands of the grounder, and he holds her in a tight embrace, I smile at the scene. They pull away from each other, and the grounder glares at Clarke making Finn hold her hand. A few moments later, we hear someone approach the bridge. Three grounders come out of the woods, riding a horse each.

"My god. Horses." Clarke says in awe.

"Hey. We said no weapons." Finn says, jogging up to Octavia and Lincoln, with us right behind him. I look over at the people on the horses and see that they are holding swords.

"I was told there wouldn't be." Lincoln says, just as surprised as we were.

"It's too late now." Clarke says. Her and Finn look at each other before starting to walk towards the other people, but the grounders stopped Finn.

"She goes alone."

"I'll be fine. It's time to do better." She reassures Finn, he still tries to protest. But she lets go of his hand and starts to walk towards the other grounders. Who I assume is the leader, jumps off her horse, and meets Clarke halfway. We were too far to hear what they are saying but neither of them seem pleased.

"Akiva." I hear and I turn to see Lincoln.

"I see you're better." I said and he nods.

"Thanks to you."

"You saved Octavia's life, I owe you for that."

"And I believe I owe you answers." Lincoln says and I looked at him.

"The colour of my blood."

"You are what we call Nightbloods, you're basically second in command. You are a descendant of one of the conclaves." He says, and I shake my head confused.

"B-But I was born in the sky, how is that possible?" I said, and he shrugs.

"I don't have all the answers. If you want answers, you can."

"But what if I don't? The last thing I need right now is to be an outsider to my own people, I'm only starting to fit in." I said, and he nods.

"But you already have a clan, a clan who wouldn't subject you of your crimes." Lincoln says and I nodded. Before we could continue our conversation, a voice interrupts us.

"Clarke, run!" We suddenly hear Jasper scream from his position beside the bridge, he runs out and starts firing at the trees.

The grounder Clarke was talking too, takes out a knife, and tries stabbing her, but a bullet lands in her shoulder, before she can manage to do so. Finn runs to Clarke while arrows are being shot at us.

He finally reaches her and starts to drag her over to us. Lincoln is acting like a shield for Octavia, suddenly I see an arrow being shot their way. Without thinking, I jumped forward and the arrow lands in my shoulder. I scream out in pain, I was about to hit the floor but Lincoln catches me.

"Shit. Ace, you got hit." Octavia says walking over to us.

"Wow I hadn't noticed." I said with sarcasm heavy in my tone. Clarke and Finn make their way over to us, just as Lincoln tells us to run.

"Don't stop until you're behind the walls." He says but Octavia refuses to leave him behind.

"Take her!" He says to Finn, Finn takes a hold of her and drags her away, with much difficulty.

"Lincoln, no!" Octavia screams.

"Akiva, wait." Lincoln says, making me turn towards him as he breaks the tip of the arrow making me wince, "Thank you." I nod at him in return before running after the others. I put pressure on my shoulder, so I won't lose too much blood. It's harder than you think, and more painful to run but I don't stop.

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