"Now tell me, how are you going to apologize to her, huh?! Telling her 'sorry' won't be enough, buying her flowers won't do anything, all you will try to do - and I'll force you to - won't probably work! (Y/N) has just been hurt and broken by people she admired! Have some dignity and grow up!" After basically yelling and scolding Leone, Bruno proceeds to to sit, rather hardly back down. "You know that she could also be knowing important information about all of us, she could get at us and run away, tell rival gangs about our stands and our weaknesses when they'll fuck us up! I don't care that you got mad at her, but this is unacceptable!"Bruno keeps going, right now he's rather Ranking his frustration out.

"Not just because you can does it mean that you should!! I didn't even expect this from you b-but-..." He grunts, holding his head in his hands "you're my most trusted man, I can't kick you out even if I want to.." his face is a bit red from the anger he was previously feeling and from all this shitty situation. "And now, what are you going to tell your team mates?! We are gang members but I did state that we should try being as nice as possible to innocent people, (Y/N) is technically a civilian, a confused one and there's even a possibility that she would help us with future missions. Now you degraded yourself to a piece of shit, again! Grow out of this- I don't know how to deal with this, you're going to treat (Y/N) as nice as possible, you'll make her forgive you-" he looks at Leone's face, Bruno can see that his stoic expression changed into a more nervous one, he's slightly sweating.

"You're too nice, Bruno" Leone tells him, "I always did that, it is my job to torture for interrogation and I did go out to fuck whores and not a civilian-" he sighs "-rage blinded me, I guess I didn't think right at the moment, and I lashed at her. She's really a stupid moron, even worse that Giovanna, I ju-" he gets interrupted "STOP COMING UP WITH EXCUSES! YOU KNOW THAT YOU'RE WRONG" Bruno screams, his face redder than before, he himself is getting blinded by rage, he never lost his temper like this before.  Leone shuts up, anything he says will just be like adding more fuel to an already big fire. He looks down, his eyes dark, he's trying not to regret what he did but, just now he realises what he probably did.

He never did something like that before, when he wanted to fuck, he'd hire a prostitute, there are lots of them and he had the money. It all started feeling lame and blank thought, they were just whores. He got his anger calmed by beating the shit out of people in interrogations. Lately he'd just been staying at home or at libeccio thought, he hasn't been called for interrogations for almost four months, there are no missions he can be part of, his dearest, his grandmother passed away and the worse part is that she died believing he was a good boy, he never told her about anything and even worse, he hadn't seen her for a year before her death, it made his world crumble even more than what it already was.

He got humiliated by you, but now does he realise..you're a kid, that's what kids your age do. Even that Giovanna kid, he's a child no matter how old he acts. Leone sighs, he truly did fuck up this time, hasn't he?

While both Bruno and Leone stay in the office, in silence, Guido Is with Giorno. They're both still in Leone's room. Guido looks depressed and Giorno Is sitting next to him to calm him down. Narancia went to Fugo to talk to him about what happened, Narancia is a sensitive boy, just hearing what Leone did made him shiver.

Guido Is sitting on the bed, he has his elbows on his legs and he's folding his head with his hands, he's gripping his hat out of frustration. He's feeling emotional, it was sort of obvious that something bad was going to happen yet.. he did nothing, he feels like vomiting from the guilt. Sex pistols are all around him, trying to soother him with kind words but it's not working. Giorno Is Simply sitting there, next to him, closing his eyes and thinking.

"Giorno..I can't help but feel guilty-" he starts as he takes off his hat, rather harshly. "-i fucking can't take t-this! This is not the first time I witness something like this!" He continues, the sex pistols all stopping, sitting all over him and hugging him with their tiny arms. "I even got falsely imprisoned w-while trying to save a woman getting r-raped and beaten!-" his voice starts cracking "(Y/N) looks to m-much like the woman that I tried to s-s-" he's struggling to talk, he's getting emotional from this "..save.. her bruises, her painful expression.." he inhales, "I just..didn't expect it to go this far.." then he shuts up, he's talked too much. Giorno sighs putting his hand on his team mate's back, " you couldn't predict this, you've known him longer than me, I guess you trusted him. Blaming yourself won't do any good, it's just.. useless." He explains to Guido.

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