the end

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psa: i am not 100% sure how vegas weddings or weddings in general work, don't clown on me

Courtney's POV~

My heart is racing.

The chapel is a lot more elegant than I expected it to be. The carpeting is old, but the warm lighting and small designs engraved into the walls make up for it.

It almost smells like my old house used to. I can't decide if that's unsettling or comforting.

Right now, it may be more comforting. Because I dreamt about this day for years. My wedding day. I mean, I didn't exactly dream of it like this. Spontaneously taking a trip to get married toa man who just happens to be my former boss.

But Brendon's right, this is something we need to do for us. And maybe he's just trying to prove that he really wants to do it, but I think this is perfect.

I've always been an over thinker. And these past few months have really brought that side of me to the light. I don't want that to be what I become; someone with anxiety about everything that could go wrong in the world, someone who refuses to act on something just because it won't please other people. I've been that person for far too long, I think.

While I lose myself in thoughts about everything, Brendon has already talked to the front desk worker and before I know it, I'm signing papers.

Once I sign my name at the bottom of the paper, I look over at Brendon. He looks at me too, in a way I didn't know I needed until this moment.

Someone takes Brendon away and a middle aged woman approaches me as well.

"I'm Gillian, and I'll be taking care of you tonight!" I think she expects me to say something back, but I'm a little in shock. All I want is to see Brendon again. She just proceeds with her spiel.

"There's a variety of sizes and styles in the dressing room. Take your time, this is your big day after all, hun." She shuts the curtain, the last image I have is her grinning face.

I start going through the dresses, and that's when excitement replaces shock. I'm doing this. We're doing this.

This is something people wait their whole life for. Someone to love them unconditionally, someone to be there even when the worst hits. And Brendon is that person. It may not be the ideal relationship for people on the outside looking in, and I know that. I know what it looks like on the surface. But it goes so much deeper than what people can see. He helped me out of a dark place I didn't even realize I was in. I don't think I've ever thanked him for that. Maybe this is my opportunity.

As I flip through the piles of dresses, my eyes land on one. It's beautiful. It's my size. But most importantly, it's free. On the house. And while I may not get to take it home, I don't know that I want to. Because this is ours. Something we did without anyone on our shoulders about what the right thing is.

I slip the dress on my body and any doubt I thought I might've had disappeared. It fits like a damn glove.

I push the curtain aside and step out. Gillian's face lights up. She holds her hands up to her mouth. The dress is fitted at the top and starts to flare at my waist with a long train to follow behind me. It has long lace sleeves with embroidered flowers; just the way I imagined it when I was young.

"Oh glory almighty, now that is a beautiful bride wouldn't you say?" I take another look in the mirror and for once, I see everything I've wanted to be. And I know it's not gonna last forever, but this moment of confidence is nice.

"Yeah. I think so." I bite back a smile and she clasps her hand together in excitement.

"Then let's get you out there." She pushes the veil into my hair and drapes it over my face. "Perfect." My shallow breaths barely carry me to the doors. My entire body tingles with nerves. Before the doors open, I slide the ring off of my finger.

Out of my Mind // A Brendon Urie FanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu