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Raina's POV.

The next day I woke up feeling even worse than last night.

Me waking up feeling the bed next to me completely empty was so hard.

This is all my fault.

I ruined this so I need to fix this.

I know where'd he be at so I drove over there as fast as I could.

I rang the doorbell once I got there.

I know someone is awake cause it's 1:15 pm.

"Hold on." I hear Daniel yell. Just hearing his voice made me wanna break down. I just want to hug him.

But I can't.

The door opens and I'm faced with Daniel.

He just looks at me then opens the door and walks away.

That made me break.

"Daniel can we talk?" I say but instead of it being with my full voice it came out as a whisper.

He looks at me and nods.

I sit down next to him on the couch but far enough away from him where he has his space and I got mine.

"Daniel I'm so sorry I shouldn't have said those things to you. I shouldn't have accused you of such things. It was just we were getting so distant I thought you didn't love me anymore." I say crying I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"No Raina I'm sorry. I shouldn't have broke up with you and left like that I should've talked to you. But I didn't and I'm sorry for being distant and not talking to you. I love you so much and I don't want to loose you."

I jumped up and hugged him. He hugged back immediately.

When we broke apart he bent down a little to reach my height and kissed me.

"Take me back?" He asked and I nodded yes.

"Of course my love." I say then get on my tippy toes and kiss him again.

"Let's go home babe." He says grabbing my hand and leading me to his car.

"We'll pick your car up tomorrow Okay?" He asks.

I nodded and got into the car.


We've been home for about an hour.

I made food for us and now we are watching Netflix on the tv.

We were watching to all the boys I've loved before.

My favorite movie.

We were cuddling on the couch when all of the sudden Daniel starts kissing me.

We were just there making out when things got pretty heated.

*no details.*

{The next day}

Raina's POV.

I got up and made breakfast for me and Daniel.

I was making the eggs when two familiar arms wrap around my waste.

And familiar lips leave a trail of kisses down my neck. kissing over the hickeys on my neck.

I finished all the food and put it on two plates.

When I went to sit down Daniel pulled me to sit on his lap.

I looked back at him and smiled leaving a kiss on his lips.

He kissed back slipping his tongue in my mouth which made me pull back.

"Daniel." I said shocked that he did that.

"What babe." He said smiling.

His smile made me smile.

After we finished our food Daniel went to the boys house to see if they had any work to do while I decided to go see my mom.

She lived a couple streets down from me. I haven't seen her in like a week.

I texted Daniel to let him know so he doesn't freak out.

Hey babe I'm going to my moms😊❤️

Okay be safe love you😊

Love you too

I then made my way outside to my car. Me and Daniel picked it up earlier.

I then made my way around our local Malibu. I love our little neighborhood.

When I reach my moms house I see her car is there. I knock on the door but there was no answer.

I then take my extra key from my key chain and open the door then put it back around my neck.

I went in the house and heard people talking in the other room.

I walk to the other room and the door is open so I walk in.

I see my family gathered there all having a nice talk.

"I was knocking." I say.

I see my brother look at me like he just saw a ghost.

I guess I scared them.

I have one sibling his name is David.

I guess I never told you my last name.

Well it's Dobrick.

David just got really big on YouTube so I'm so happy for him.

"Hey baby how have you been?" My mom asks me.

"I've been good you know just chillin."

"Sorry I know you just got here but Liza wants me to go see her and I haven't seen her in five months cause she was on a tour to meet all of her fans. Well anyways she just got back and I need to see her so sorry Raina but bye." David says as he hugs me then leaves.

"Well that wa-" I was cut off by the most awful feeling ever. Then I knew. I needed to run.

I got up quickly and ran to the bathroom. Quickly putting my head over the toilet and puking my guts out.


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