Chapter Eighteen

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"What the fuck is going on here?" Rasa glared more and watched Gaara push away from Lee.

"Nothing! Nothing is happening. I'm just getting my things." Gaara said quickly as he grabbed his bag.

"You two were fucking kissing." He came closer and Lee stepped in front.

"Sir, you aren't supposed to be in the lockeroom. You aren't a student or our teacher." Lee said firmly as he stood his ground.

"I'm pretty sure two boys making out shouldn't be in here. Especially my fucking son being one of them." He said back.

"Well, I'm not letting this happen. Alright? Gaara obviously does not want to go home. He likes it here."

"I don't give a shit. Why am I even talking to you? You're obviously just some kid." Rasa reaches over and grabbed Gaara's arm.

"No, back off!" Lee yelled, yelled much louder than usual which Gai and other students were able to hear.

"Fuck you, you freak." He glared and tugged Gaara hard before Lee wrapped his arms tightly around the boy.

"Let go of him!"

",'re hurting my arm. Please stop tugging." Gaara whimpered our as he grabbed at his dad's hand.

"Shut the fuck up!" He hit Gaara hard and Lee quickly pulled Gaara off after that, holding him close and moving back.

"What is going on in here?!" Gai yelled as he came inside and looked around, students following with their phones out. "Get out, shut off the phones."

"I would assume this is your son? He was making out with my son and I'm here to get Gaara the fuck out of this disgusting school." Rasa said back and the kids started whispering.

"Sir, you need to get out of here or I will get security." Gai replied and gave a look at Lee.

"Dad, he's abusive. Gaara can't go home with him." Lee said back as he hugged the redhead closer.

"Students, out of the locker room now!" Gai yelled and they scattered out and he closed the door. "Sir you have to leave. We are going to have to speak about this."

"You believe your son? My son ran away and got a fucking face tattoo! So obviously children can't be trusted."

"Sir, now."

Gai grabbed Rasa's arm hard and pulled him out with ease. Lee watched and looked down at Gaara. He touched at his cheek and looked around quickly. 'I'm not letting him have Gaara. No matter what. I hope dad gets this together. I don't want to have to fight anyone but I will.' He sighed and pets through Gaara's hair softly and looked around. Gaara stayed close and bites his lip, flinching when he heard a slam outside of the locker room. He sat down and pushed his hands through his hair, grabbing his hair tightly. His leg bounced nervously and he tried to keep himself together form having a total mental meltdown. Lee watched and tried to calm him a little, he sets his hand softly on his arm and it made Gaara flinch. He turned fast and grabbed Lee's bad hard as possible and shoved it away as hard as possible. Then he backed away noticing Lee wince at that.

"I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to touch your bad arm." Gaara said worriedly as grabbed his bag and ran out.

"Gaara wait!" Lee ran out and was stopped by his dad.

"Lee, stay right here." Gai said and looked at Rasa who was pinned to the ground by the security guard.

"B.but dad..." Lee looked up worried about Gaara was was running out fo the school.

"He'll be fine. We have to talk about something." Gai replied back and walked away as the officer tugged Rasa up.

"Dad I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. We never really disclosed if we were boyfriends or not. I told him he could take his time on figuring that out. Once we were dating I was going to tell you."

"Let's go back into the gym. There's already people who are going outside for Gaara."

Lee bites his lip and nodded slightly as he follows his dad back into the gymnasium and sat down on the bleachers; he was getting more worriedly the less time he was with the redhead. The kids all talking to each other and sitting which Gai didn't bother to correct. He sat down beside Lee and sighed, glancing over at Lee. He watched how his kid messed with his bandages and he shakes his head.

"So tell me what is going on Lee?" Gai said gently.

"Gaara ran away from his dad and he's living with brother. He's terrified of his dad. Gaara said his dad beats him. He said if he knew we were kissing he would beat the shit out of him and I couldn't let him do that Gaara. Dad, I know I was getting into something that I wasn't supposed to but I...I care a lot for Gaara." Lee admitted to his dad and sighed a little.

"Alright. We will try to figure this out. If he really says that about his dad I believe him. I don't want either of you getting hurt." He said and got up and looked around. "Let's go to the office Lee, Miss Tsunade will want to talk about all of this."

"Alright. I'm sorry for lying to you dad. About Gaara and I."

"It's fine, really. Let's go to the office."

New Kid at Konoha High (Gaara x Lee)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें