Chapter Eleven

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          Gaara and Lee sat away from everyone in there own little corner of brick wall. They didn't talk much just ate their food and sat by each other. Though when Lee had finished up he started to talk about what seemed everything and he didn't seem the care that Gaara said minimal things or nodded as a reaction. The redhead liked that about Lee—he wouldn't force him to talk or be a different than he wanted. He smiled sweetly and moved a little closer as he listened to the excited junior. The yelling of the crowd made him flinch a little and he shook he head, snapping out of his little lovey fantasy. He pushed his hair back and got up slowly, Lee tilted his head in a confused way.

"Ummm I think the game is almost done. I better go find my brother." Gaara said gently.

"Oh um yeah sure," Lee get up and smiled. "I can walk around with you if you'd like."

"I mean if you want." He shrugged a little and looks at the green hoodie he was wearing.

"Awesome!" The older grinned and looked around.

        Gaara cocked his none existent eyebrow and then started to walk around to find Kankuro. Lee looked around too but he didn't really know what to look for. He bite his lip and then looked over at the redhead, looking at his features. "Maybe his brother kinda looks like him?" He shrugged a little and continued to walk. The game finished and all the kids ran out to the field to hug their winning time which made Lee bring the sophomore close in a protective way. Gaara tensed almost immediately when Lee touched him and he quickly moved off when he saw his older brother. He made his way over and Lee followed.

"Hey Gaara, wanna go to that party tonight?" Kankuro asked and he had Kiba right by him.

"I'm alright. I'd rather just go home." Gaara replied and looked at the younger brunette.

"Alright cool. I'll just drop you off then? You chill with being alone?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm-"

"I offered to hang out with him if he wanted." Lee joined in.

"Oh? That's cool. Since like everyone is going to the party you don't gotta be completely by yourself." Kankuro said and shrugged a little.

"I didn't think that was a real offer. I thought you were just saying that to be nice..." he mumbled.

"Nope we can hang out!"

"Alright then we have it settled. You two hang out wherever and I'll be back home who knows when. Have fun. And stay safe." Kankuro nodded and then brings Gaara away a bit. "And be careful, he offers you something to drink just don't take it. Kay? Make smart decisions."

"Alright I will."

        Gaara moved away slightly and followed Lee close. Kankuro watched and turned the ringer of his phone on and tucked it into his pocket. Gaara shakes his head a little as he hugged onto the jacket Lee gave him. They both continued to walk to the parking lot and Gaara looked over at the other curiously. Wonder what car is his? He sighed gently and looked around. When he watched Lee walk farther down the parking lot he bites his lip and titled his head.

"So um...which is your car?" Gaara asked.

"Car? Oh, I'm very sorry but...I don't have a car. I'm still young so I like to run or walk to everywhere I go really. I mean my dad drives long drives but yeah." Lee answer and gave a sweet smile.

"We're walking? How far away do you live?" He asked back and looked down.

"Only a fifteen minute walk. Not bad at all!" He grins brightly.

"Oh...okay. I don't really go out much and walk. This will be a little different."

"It'll be just fine. We can walk as slow or as fast as you would like."

         About twenty minutes of walking they got a nice neighborhood and a small house. Lee patted his pockets and grabbed out his keys, opening up the door. He smiled and let Gaara in first before walking in and closing it up, locking the door. He looked at younger one around the little house and noticed all the workout things all over the house. Lee grins and looked over at him.

"Ummm so that's the living room and the kitchen is that way. Upstairs is the rooms and stuff. Then downstairs is the main training room. I'm not really sure what you like..." Lee sighed slightly.

"Well I'm not you have movies we could just watch? I'm sorry. I'm not very interesting." Gaara shakes his head and looked around.

"No no! We can watch a movie I have a bunch. Here follow me. Ummm we have-"

"Lee! You're home! How was the game?!" Gai yelled as he came down the stairs.

"Oh um it was fun I guess. Um dad you know Gaara. Gaara this is my dad." Lee grins.

"Um hi..." Gaara waved a little shyly.

"I'm so glad Lee has gotten a friend! Feel free to do whatever you want." The man smiled and then he wrapped his arm around Lee and pulled him to the side.

"Yes dad?" Lee blinked a few times and tilted his head.

"You have taken quite an interested in the new kid, I'm so happy Lee! Oh you're so young, you two would be amazing together!"

"No, um I dunno dad. Uh...I'm just really nervous and you know I've never dated anyone. And I like Sakura, remember?"

"Oh please. I know I tell you to never give up but Sakura is really strong about her opinion on you my son. This boy seems very nice."

"But...I dunno. I mean what if he's not bisexual like me? Or gay?"

"Then that's okay! But you should ask! Now go and have some fun! I'll be downstairs training." Gai grinned and shoved Lee away and left.

At the yelling Gaara looked over a little confused and Lee got a soft blush. He rubbed that back of his soft hair and looked down nervously with those dark eyes. "Oh man...a handsome devil like myself shouldn't be so nervous. I mean my form is almost perfect so why am I so nervous about asking Gaara. Maybe because he's one of my closest friends right now and he'll leave if he does not like what I ask..."

New Kid at Konoha High (Gaara x Lee)Where stories live. Discover now