7: ashes.

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Imani pov.

Everyone in the house was asleep and this was the perfect time to get everything in place. I know I shouldn't do this but sometimes you gotta do things to protect the ones you love.

"You got everything you need." I looked back at the house, then turned and got inside the taxi. I looked out the window and thought of Zara and everyone I was leaving being.

My heart knew that this wasn't right and I couldn't just run from my problems. "Turn back around ".

"M'am are you sure ."

"Yes, I'm sure. I made a mistake "

He just smiles at me and nodded and turned the car around. I sat back and thought of all the things that we been through together.

"M'am we have arrived." I didn't know we park the car.

"How much" He just smiles at me and pulls off before I could give the money.

Zara was at the door looking at me. I didn't know what to say to her.

"Imani why were you getting out of the cab," she asked as she followed me in the house.

" I was gonna leave you guys behind. So that my sister would have a better chance at life"

She didn't say anything back except she went to the back and never came back to ask me.

Healing a Slow Process 🌷#studxstudWhere stories live. Discover now