"Why not?" I ask her, stealing another look at everyone again. 

  "I dunno, I guess we've been doing it for so long now we kinda like it, kinda feel like it's ours," she tells me. 

  "Who's we?"

  "Me and some of the guys, horse-racing types, legs wider than the state sign," she laughs. 

  "From the Derby?"

  "Yeah, every summer when people start travelling into Laurel Valley for the Derby, we all get together, gives us some time to let loose," Scarlett smiles over to a group of guys, all of them recognising her. 

     I feel lost in this sea of strange faces. 

  "Let loose?" My voice is small, barely making a mark.

  "Couple' beers, a bonfire, a barbecue-- Probably boring in comparison to the parties back on the East Coast," she laughs. 

     I blink away the images of the parties she is innocently referring to, choosing to focus on right now, and the warmth of the sun on my skin. The air is heavy in my lungs as I sigh it all out, feeling lighter and lighter. 

  "No," I shake my head, glancing out again at the groups of people, mingling and talking, unaware of me. It isn't anything like back home, she's right. But I'm glad. "I like this."

  "I knew you'd love it," she beams, squeezing my arm as she opens the car door and steps out on to the grass. "Now, let's eat." 


     "Are you having a good time?" Scarlett asks for what feels like the millionth time since we stepped out of her truck. 

     I take another bite of my third burger, nodding with a full mouth, unable to verbalise anything to her. She laughs at me, happy to see me calm. I chuckle along, happy to see it too. 

     Scarlett buzzes around talking to everyone while I sit, saying hi to everyone she's introduced me to. Everyone is nice, and their southern twangs curl and pop with every syllable. I love listening to them, so I sit quietly. 

  "Montgomery!" A rough voice hollers over to her, as she beams, running over to two tall, broad men that are heading up the hill towards us. 

  "I thought you said you weren't gonna make it this year!" She squeals, as she wraps her arms around one of them, both of them hugging each other, a familiar and casual air around them. 

  "And miss out on my year to win this damn derby? I'd sooner die," he laughs. 

     Their eyes soon rest on me, sitting, staring in their direction. Scarlett, ever the social butterfly, holds her hand out to me, which I take, filling her hand with mine. 

  "I want you guys to meet Ruby," she smiles, hugging me close to her. "She's an old friend of mine."

  "You're not from around here, are ya?" One of them, a dark-haired, stocky guy asks. 

  "She's Deacon Taylor's niece, come to stay with him at the ranch," Scarlett answers before I get the chance. 

     Their faces contort into shock and awe at the mention of Uncle Deacon. 

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