"Oh, for the love of- You're not still going on about the Dark Lord, are you?" Pansy interrupted, lips pursed. Draco slowly turned to look at her.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Pansy frowned, turning away and clenching her hands together in her lap. "Pansy?"

"I just think it's silly, that's all," she said quickly.

"...You think it's silly," Draco repeated. Pansy nodded quickly. "What exactly are you saying?"

"Draco..." She turned to face him, eyes full of remorse. Draco's eyes widened in disbelief.

"You've chosen not to follow him," he said quietly. Pansy hesitated slightly, before nodding again. "You're going to betray your parents, turn against everything they've ever taught you," he continued, and Pansy slowly closed her eyes.

"I'm not betraying anybody," she said in the same quiet voice he was using. "I'm simply becoming my own person rather than my parents' shadow."

"You're betraying me!" Draco shouted furiously, standing once more. This time Pansy stood as well to face him.

"I am not!" she insisted, hands closing into fists at her side. "I don't agree with what the Dark Lord's doing, but that doesn't mean I'm betraying you or anybody else! And neither is Blaise, or Millicent, or Theodore-"

"Blaise- what, Theodore-" Draco spluttered. "Have you been recruiting people or something?!"

"They feel the same way I do! It's stupid-"

"No it's not!"

"It is, Draco!" Pansy yelled, before visibly trying to calm herself down. "It is," she continued in a much more controlled voice. Draco remained quiet for a few seconds, breathing harshly through his nose.

"And that's why you want me with Potter, is it?" he finally spoke up. Pansy sighed, not meeting his eyes. "You think he'll change my mind about things. So you're basically just using him."

"I'm not using him," Pansy said sharply. "I think he's good for you." Draco scoffed, nose wrinkling in disgust. "Oh, stop that! I know that's not how you really feel."

"Ah, but it is, Pansy. He's been a thorn in my side since first year-"

"When he blew you off," Pansy cut in, rolling her eyes. Draco's eyes narrowed and his mouth slowly clenched shut, and Pansy immediately knew she'd said the wrong thing. "Draco-"

"You know what? Fuck. You," Draco said shortly, watching as Pansy's eyes widened. "Fuck you, fuck Potter, fuck Blaise and Theodore and Millicent! You want to be traitors? Fine! But don't come whining to me when you find yourself on the wrong end of the Killing Curse. Potter's going to lose, just you wait. My father-"

"Is in prison, Draco! Prison! Is that what you want for yourself?" Pansy cried. There was only a few seconds pause before Draco spoke again.

"And that's Potter's fault too, isn't it?" he said quietly, darkly.

"No, it's your-...our fathers' faults for following the Dark Lord," was Pansy's sharp reply. Draco glared at her for a few more seconds before turning on his heel and walking furiously towards the exit. "Draco!" Pansy called desperately.

"Fuck off, Parkinson," was Draco's reply, before he disappeared from the room. Pansy sighed, barely noticing when someone stepped up next to her.

"Well that went well," Blaise said sarcastically. Pansy frowned and smacked his shoulder before falling back onto the couch and resting her chin on her fist. "I'll go after him," Blaise decided. Pansy just waved him off, and the boy headed out after Draco.

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