"Huh. I don't remember any girls wearing gold pants." David stopped talking to think for a bit. "The only gold pants I saw were Jon's!" he said, still oblivious to Richie's predicament.

Richie emptied his beer and looked over his shoulder at David. He watched the realisation spread over David's face.

"Oh... ooohhhh," he said. "Jon had gold pants. Very low, very tight gold pants."

"Lemma, if you breathe a word about this, I'll break your fingers, you got it?" Richie turned, forgetting about the state of his arousal, which was more than obvious in his tight leathers until David's eyes tracked down. Richie grabbed his shirt and wrestled it back on, seeing David's eyes widen to the size of saucers.

"Woah, Richie." David was flummoxed. He stood up and paced the small balcony, rolling this new information around his brain.

"So how long have you loved him?"

"I don't love Jon," Richie said.

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't!" he insisted. "I just think about him all the time and miss him when he's not around."

David's brain exploded. "I wish you could hear yourself."

Richie sighed.

"How long, Rich?" David persisted.

"Fuck man, why can't you just let it go?"

"Because I care about you both and want you to have somebody to love! Now sit down and talk to me, or do you need to take care of that monster first?" He indicated to Richie's groin.

"Always the joker!" he said. "I'll be fine, just give me a minute. Get me another beer, will ya?"

"Sure, but I still got questions," he said, heading inside to the minibar.

"Yeah. Yeah, okay," Richie said, realising he didn't have to live with the secret any longer. If he unburdened himself to David, it might lessen the need somewhat. He sat gingerly in the chair behind him, still staring at the night lights of whatever city they happened to be in tonight. He couldn't remember and he couldn't care less tonight.

"Here ya go." David held a fresh bottle in front of his face, breaking his train of thought.

"Thanks, man."

"Sooooo tell Uncle David when you started getting boners for our fearless leader?" David asked. He sat on the edge of his seat and bounced up and down on the cushion like an excited child.

"Fuck you, Lemma, if you're not going to take this seriously, I'm outta here!" he said standing up, fully prepared to walk out the door.

"Rich! Richie, I'm sorry, man! C'mon, sit down, will ya?" He grabbed at his arm to stop him from leaving.

Richie threw him a sideways glance, huffed out a breath and sat back down.

"My ears and shoulders are all yours tonight, feel free to lay as much as you want on me."

"I- I dunno. I've kept the secret for so long, I don't know where to start," he said with a shrug.

"At the beginning seems like the logical place. So when did you stop going for the chicks and start with the dicks? Hang on, is it all dudes or just Jonny? Do I need to be worried, here?" he quizzed Richie.

"Just Jon, you dick!"

"Good, coz you're not really my type. Too tall, too broody."

Richie sat on one of the outdoor lounge chairs, shirt still undone, his lower extremities no longer betraying him. He leaned forward and placed his elbows on his knees, his head lowered, too afraid to see the look in the keyboardist's eyes when he told the truth.

Part One of Ahh Paris! series: Everybody Must Have A FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now