Chapter 12: First Fight?

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Alex's POV:

"Your Alex Taylor?" He said loudly.

"Shh!" I shouted covering my face with my cardigan from the few costumers who just came in.

"The one from 'Riders'?"

"Yes." I replied. Referring to the action movie that Ari and I did last summer.

Ari and I don't really do romance or drama. It's mostly Action or comedies. And boys usually watch Action so that's one of the reasons I was confused that he didn't recognize me quick enough.

"That's me." I smiled a little waiting for his second outburst.

There's always a second outburst.

He glared at me and behind that hate in his eyes there was a bit of hurt.

"You lied to me." He said narrowing his eyes at me accusingly.

"Not exactly." I said guilty.

Who wouldn't feel guilty right now, If The one person you felt like You could trust with anything and wouldn't judge you is looking at you with hatred.

You'd feel like crap.

"You did, You never told me. Your one of the most famous and richest people in the world, How could you forget to tell me." He said getting full on pissed.

"I just wanted you to talk to me for me because you wanted to, not because I was famous." I said my voice cracking a bit.

"Bullshit! You get whatever the hell you want, You have more than enough friends. Stop trying to make me feel sorry for you." He said glaring at me.


"I don't get whatever I want, That's for sure."

"Yeah right. Your just one of those stuck up brats who get everything and anything in the blink of an eye." He said rolling his eyes.

Now it was my turn to get pissed.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? I've worked for everything I have and even if I am rich now, That doesn't mean I always was. Just because you have friends doesn't mean they're real so excuse me for wanting to have someone like me for who I am. When your famous You don't know who your real friends are or your fake ones, you have no right to judge me. You don't know everyone's story so don't even think you know me." I said with rage.

"I know what I see on the tabloids, Your a spoiled brat." He said looking at me dirtily.

"Your such a jerk." I spit out.

He rolled his eyes at me.

"This is exactly why I didn't tell you," I said with tears in my eyes.

He's words really hurt me even if I knew they weren't true, They still hurt like a bitch.

"What?" He looked confused.

"Your just like everyone else, You don't care about feelings, You either hate me or like me for fame." I said shaking my head.

He looked shocked at me.

"And You did exactly what I was afraid of." I said softly.

"Alex," He sighed.

"I hope you know everything that I ever told you or acted like wasn't fake so thanks for making me feel like a normal teenager for once, even if it was for a short while, I don't regret not telling you."

I couldn't stay here longer, I would start crying and that would only make me feel weak. He was looking at me with guilt.


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