Imagine Loki giving up his Immortality for you

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A/N ~ hello all!  Were gonna say Loki came back after dark world but nothing in Ragnarok or at the end of dark world happened(Asgard is still there and Odin still on the throne).  Have fun reading!

Loki POV

I couldn't stand it anymore; I had to leave. I had go back to Asgard to be stripped of my immortality. I didn't care about living for 5 thousand years anymore, I only cared about being with (Y/N). I've been in love with her for the past 2 years, which has felt just as long as a thousand years, but I haven't had the courage to do anything about it until now. I never thought I would find love after all I've done in my life, but now I'm sure I have it. I have a chance to grab it and I can't let it slip away.

I left in a very abrupt way, however, which I regret, due to the fact that I had been with her when I did.


I was walking down the hall of the Avengers tower in some mortal jeans and sweatshirt, heading towards the library to return the book I read this week. The normal dark walls have a few pictures up periodically through this hall, but the dark lighting in the hallway continued to get darker as I got closer, which is unusual. It's only ever this dark when Stark is fiddling with one of his machines, and that starts to frighten me.

I was nearly there when I heard my name being yelled from a hallway that was perpendicular to the one I was walking in. I moved slowly to the hallway and looked down and around to only see (Y/N)'s face for a split second before we collided heads and fell to the ground.

"Oh my word, what is it with you mortals running around the inside of a building like it's on fire?" I rhetorically asked, rubbing my head.

(Y/N) is quick to her feet, and pulls me up in her dark jeans and blue t-shirt. A red lump starting to grow on her forehead, and she didn't seem the least bit fazed by it.

"Because I needed to find you as quickly as I could, now come on!" She pulls on my arm and we start running down the hall she came from, leaving my book behind.

"(Y/N), what happened?" I question, combing my hair out of my face so I could see where we were running.

"I'll explain when we get to my workshop!" She answered.

She pulled her hair out of the ponytail she had with her free hand and let it relax; her gorgeous, (H/C) hair moving with the wind she was creating by the run distracted me, as it always did. I smiled as I thought of all the different hair styles she's worn and how there's always this small portion of her hair that never stays in the style she puts it in that day. She always puts it behind her ear and she complains about it when she's working on something.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when we arrived at her workshop, which was filled with bright light from the ceiling and giant standing lights as well. That's why the hallway lights are so dim, I thought. I instantly relaxed as I knew it was (Y/N) and not Stark.

When you first walk in, there is nothing to your left or your right; everything is pushed into the back part of the room. (Y/N) insists it's so she can test the equipment she builds for the Avengers here, but I know it's just because she is particular about the placement of her tools and such. There was also nothing on the walls except for the white paint; (Y/N) found it distracting to have any paintings or anything of that kind on the walls, so they were kept bare.

In the back right corner, there is a table that houses her tools in a specific order that I couldn't even begin to understand, and in the opposite corner, there is a similar table that was set to hold a photograph of her family and her personal weapons in case she's called in for a mission, which is rare; that's how she likes it though. Then, connecting the two small tables was an extra long table which is her building table. She has everything you would possibly need to build any equipment, but keeps a spot clear so she can easily jump over, as she likes to work on both sides of the table. She's very unique in that way, never likes being on one side, as she needs to be able to see everything; she also occasionally climbs up onto the table and leans over the object, but only when she absolutely needs to.

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