Imagine Loki turning blue

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A/N ~ This is kind of a continuation of the last one, It's the same you and Loki but obviously later down the road, so have fun!

Your POV

You had arrived at the Asgard palace early this evening for your father's work, and to plan your own wedding. You had finished up dinner, where Loki was unusually quiet, and your mother escorted you to your chambers and you explored that for a little while, then you decided to take a little walk around the castle.

You walked towards the Inside Gardens, and noticed all the vines on the walls Loki mentioned to you 6 months ago. It was nice to see the parts of the palace that you haven't yet visited, since you were only shown your chambers, the throne room, and the dining room for the past 6 months. You had been doing tours around the kingdom with Loki advertising your wedding; it had been really nice to see the kingdom but also spend time with Loki, getting to know him better.

Tonight, however, he had been acting strange; he was very quiet at dinner, and he was avoiding talking to you at all costs. You would either sit or stand on opposite sides of Thor or Frigga, which was just weird. You tried to get him to talk to you, but he wouldn't budge. You also tried asking Thor, but he would play it off like it was nothing; 'Just a passing mood,' he said. You didn't believe any of it, but you didn't push back much either, you didn't want to make it worse for Loki. So, acting like the princess you were about to become, you let it go for now.

As you rounded the next corner of the castle, you heard the sound of glass shattering and furniture breaking from the nearest room. Startled, you slowly make your way to the room on your left and thought about knocking on the door, but then thought better of it. What if there is something being hidden in this room you're not supposed to know about, one side of you thought. But why would it look like it was a door to someone's chambers, the other side argues back. You decide to side with the second part, and you just open the door and ask loudly,

"Hello, are you alright?"

You quickly look around the room to see a vase shattered near the green canopy bed to the right of the door, and the dresser had the drawers thrown out, then pushed over. You take a few steps into the dark room and a dark, tall and lean figure moves into your view.

"(Y/N), you shouldn't be here," the voice says sternly.

It's Loki, you thought, and your nervousness went away.

"You are not safe," he added.

Your nervousness came back so fast it felt as if you were getting stabbed in the stomach.

"Not safe from what?" you ask him full of worry. You take a few steps closer to him, where you're in the light from the corridor and he's still in the dark from his bedroom. "Is there something in here? I can go get the guards, we can -"

"You're not safe from me," he stammered, and then Loki moves into the light, his skin suddenly blue and his eyes blood red.

You gasp, surprised; Loki is part Jotun. You stare at him in amazement, as you never thought you would see a Frost Giant in your life.

"Now you see that I am a monster, (Y/N)," he whispered to you.

You shake your head, "Loki, you are not a monster, you are -"

"Yes I am!" he shouted at you, using his magic to fly another vase against the far wall, making you flinch at the impact. Then he relaxed, and trembled, saying, "I have known for years now, trying to act as if I didn't know, like I did when we were children, but it doesn't work. There is no facade I can wear to help cover up this revolting part of me that I have been hiding from everyone, including you. But now that we're engaged-"

"Loki, listen, I love you -"

"How could -" he interrupts angrily, then you cut him off.

"-I ever love you?" you demanded while finished for him, slowly moving closer to him, making him flinch back into the shadows, "A dangerous, hideous monster such as yourself? Well, the answer is simple: I do not worry. I am not worried that you are Jotun, I am not worried about our marriage, I am not worried at all. I am in love with you, I am in love with the Loki that danced with me at my birthday 6 months ago, the Loki that did not worry about being married to me, a very lonely girl who did not like the idea of marriage. A girl who would have pushed away anyone who tried to know her, but you did not worry. Why should you worry now?" you paused, noticing that his face had turned back to it's normal color, then you reach out, putting your hand on his cheek. He flinched, then relaxed as he realized that he didn't burn you.

"I love you more than anything, Loki, and nothing can change that, not even your Jotun form," smiling up at him, you finish, waiting for his response.

Loki pulled you into a tight hug and you embrace him in the hug, his face buried into your hair that rested on your left shoulder. He let out a sigh of relief and you felt his chest start moving erratically and heard him start crying. You place your left hand on his head as he lets out his emotions, and you comfort him with "There, there, it's alright..." Loki eventually pulled his head up from your shoulder and looked into your (e/c) as you looked back into his sparkling green eyes that glistened from the tears. You wipe his tears away and you keep your hands cupped on his cheeks as you push up on your toes to gently kiss him. You feel Loki relax as you seemed to put more faith in you and himself. Loki pulls away and he put his hands on your cheeks and grinned.

"I'm sorry I made you worry, but...thank you for finding me."

"It's no problem," you pause, putting your hands over his, "besides, I think your Jotun form is just as handsome as your Asgardian form."

Loki smiled a little, showing that he appreciated your comment. You smiled back and then took your hand and waved it across the room, putting it back together so he could be in here without getting hurt. Loki turned around to watch all the furniture and vases were put back together, then you look back at Loki who was surprised to see you had powers. Then you realized you had been hiding them for a little longer to make sure you had it under control. You smile shyly at your fiance as he wraps his arms around your waist, putting all his attention to you.

"(Y/N), when did - how long have you had magic?"

"I've had them all my life, but I just don't like to use them often, only when I need to. I also just don't have them completely under control yet," you snicker, "That's the only spell I know like the back of my hand."

Loki chuckles and kisses your forehead, "Well, since you'll be marrying a master of magic, I'd be honored to help you get them under control, as my mother had helped me so."

You smile at him and wrap your arms around his neck, stating, "I'd be even more honored, my prince." You peck him on his lips and then pull away, releasing your arms and pull slightly from him. "It's very late, Loki, I should head back to my chambers and let you sleep."

You start to walk away, but he grabs your arm, making you pause.

"Indeed, my princess. At least let me escort you," he insists.

You nod, slipping your arm in Loki's and you both walk slowly back to your chambers. When you reach it, you kiss him again, and wished him goodnight, and he did the same, mumbling, "Goodnight, elska." (Old norse for love)

You blush as you close the door, and you walk back to your bed and eventually fell asleep, thinking of the new days to come with Loki.

A/N ~ Hey guys, should I change the Imagines to be in 1st person or keep them in 3rd person?  I've seen both now and I'm not sure which to do.  Also considering, after a few more chapters, making requests open to write for you all.  Please let me know in the comments!  Thanks and see ya soon with a new chapter!

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