· Chapter One ·

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Dmitri is shown above in the photo.~ [Face Claim: Ash Stymest]

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The slow, periodic beeps of the heart rate monitor awoke the male of blue flames, his dull, murky blue eyes cracking open. He came to simply stare up at the bare white ceiling, not much else to do due to the constant throbbing pain spread throughout his form. Despite this, he constantly attempted to push himself up into a sitting position. Key word, attempted.

Jolts of sharp pain were sent up his already weak arms, causing them to buckle underneath the weight of his upper body fairly easily. After ten or so attempts he gave up completely, more due to the nurse that came in rushing to get him into a laying position once more, less due to him giving up because of the gradually increasing pain. He wordlessly brought his dead gaze up to the nurse expectantly, in a silent hope that she would fill in the gaps of what he couldn't remember. His wish came true after she took a clipboard in a holder at the end of the bed and beginning to ramble.

"I'm Mia, your nurse for the time being. You got into one serious fight, Mr. Willis." She pursed her lips, giving a pointed look to the male before continuing.

"Both you and Mr. Oxford have been unconscious for a week's time, though you're the first to wake up. You have various second and third degree burns, mainly over your chest and arms. To add on, the sheer force of your powers clashing shattered your wrist," She gestured her pen over to my left wrist. "Not to mention the damage travelling up your arm."

"Your release time will be determined later on, but for now, you'll stay in the hospital." She lowered the clipboard, looking to the still silent male. "Any questions?"

He didn't speak for a long few moments, only doing so as Mia moved to step out of the room.

"..Care to stay a while, maybe...? Hospital rooms can get pretty lonely..." He chuckled dryly, ignoring the jolt of pain that was sent into his chest from the simple action.

She turns, giving a small, somewhat saddened smile.

"...I don't see why not."

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Cameron's P.O.V.

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I silently slink behind Max to use him as a meat- or as he would like to prefer to himself as, potato- shield, a task that proved to be irritatingly easy due to my height being a whopping 5'5" whilst he stood at 5'10". This successfully hid me from the hard gaze of that bastard Dmitri, his vibrant amber eyes sending shivers down my spine.

I thought I got over this already, damn it.

Each time I thought I've improved, even moved pass the horrid event, those amber eyes come back to haunt me. They remind me of that day, the day I broke not only my mind, but my body beyond repair. Not to mention my powers, as well.

I press myself against Max's back, ignoring his confused gaze in favor of containing my gradually growing fear. Dmitri began to approach much to my dismay, though it was interrupted as the announcer began.

The usual announcer was a low rank named Quinncy, he not playing a role in the Canine Crowns, but he was the President of the Newspaper Club; in simple words, the publisher of all of the Hunter's dirt. He worked behind the Crowns as a unofficial one, making him commonly looked over, the typical appearance of dirty blonde hair and dark brown eyes only making him less noticeable.

Oh, how deceiving he can be. Damned bastard.

He stood on the edge of the stone fountain in the center of the packed courtyard, throwing his arms out as he began the speech, loud and clear.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you, offically, to the battle of the Canine Crowns!" Cheers and whistles erupted from the crowd of students, soon silenced as he continued on.

"It's time to begin stage one, Hunters! Line up and give your names to my loyal assistant, Winston!" He gestured to the black haired male at his side, and soon after he had said what was needed, twenty or so made their way over to sign up to qualify for the role.

I honestly don't understand why one would want such a role, it'll just end up with them being dogs. Not to mention how much they'll be avoided out of fear, the only upsides being how much they'll be feared and the protection for being a Crown.

Whatever, not my problem if they want to be treated like shit.

Quincy now continues on, grin large to show off his pearly whites. "The ones who so bravely signed up will now be organized to properly arrange the rounds! We got lots of new ones this year, so do be patient." He swept into a low bow, soon raising back up to hop off the fountain. Moving to Winston, the two began to speak in hushed whispers, no doubt planning the battles to come.

I heaved out a heavy sigh, now moving to stand next to Max rather than cowering behind him as if I was prey, under the watch of a predator.

"What's with you, Cam? It's not common you cower behind me in fear." Max hummed casually, which he received a pointed glare from me in turn. He raised his hands up as a way of defense, a nervous smile rising to his lips.

"Do you really want to die that badly, Max?" I huffed out in a half-hearted threat, he only shrugging in turn with his hands still raised.

"Not really, no, LiLith tries to kill me enough. But ignoring that fact, what's up, Cameron?" He questions softly, as if talking to a scared animal.

Well, that wasn't far off.

I only shake my head to his question, turning my gaze over to meet Dmitri's glare. Our eyes flash, his with a red energy, my own with a azure flame. If it wasn't for LiLith latching on to Dmitri in that moment, I have no doubt we would've went at each other with our powers.

I glare for a few moments longer before I tore my gaze away, instead focusing on the ground below. I ignored Max for the most part, not wanting to deal with his attempts at helping.

I kept my head low, only raising it up as Quinncy continued his speech, returning to stranding on the edge of the fountain.

"The rounds have been decided, so ladies and gentlemen, may I say,"

Both Quinncy and Winston now cry out as cheers began to come from the students.

"Welcome to the Battle of the Canine Crowns!"

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The character Max is dedicated to my brother, Max, one of the best comedians I know. I hope you're enjoying the story so far, Brother~!

Along with anyone else, I hope you like the story, as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2019 ⏰

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