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Six people strode down a dingy looking ally, their strides increasing in speed as they neared the sign for the club PANDEMONIUM. To Adelaide it only seemed like moments ago that her and her friends had been gathered outside ready to go in and have a good time, as Jared would have put it. Those were different times.

Clary raced ahead as they walked whilst the rest of the group trailed behind her, being more cautious than the panicked redhead. All of a sudden she stopped, grasping at the purple stone around her neck as it glowed bright in the midnight air. The rest of the group came to a staggering stop, wondering why the redhead had stopped so soon in her fight to find Dot.

A single word was uttered as she came to: "Dot."

That's when she began to race ahead once more, running out into the road she that she could get to PANDEMONIUM'S location quicker than before. Alec shared a quick glance with Adelaide before the two of them were running off after her just like the rest of the group. The night's air echoed with her shouts of 'Dot', but there was never a reply.

She finally came to a stop right outside of the club once Jace caught up to her, asking her important questions that would help the rest of the group understand what was going on.

"Two men, circle members.." She spoke frantically, in between heavy breaths. "The same ones who came to my house, took my mom. They have Dot."

Just as the rest of the group caught up to the redhead, she began to run once more, shouting out something about how the men were going to hurt this 'Dot' or even kill her. The constant running served as an annoyance to Adelaide but she knew that if it were Scott in this situation, she would be just as frantic.

When they entered the club, they found it to be completely and utterly empty. There wasn't a single soul in sight, not even the warlock who owned the place was here. Which made absolutely no sense, it was a club, why wouldn't it be open and filled with people at it's prime time to be making money.

"Something is very wrong." She muttered to the brunette beside her, his nod of agreement slightly soothing her thoughts.

"She was just trying to help me." Clary uttered out, defeated at the fact that she had lost yet another family member.

"Clary, I'm sorry." Simon tried to comfort the panicked girl, his hand gripping at her forearm, but it did nothing.

"You don't understand. Dot's like my big sister." Clary spoke with such hopelessness that Adelaide could only feel sympathy towards her.

"I understand Clary, I know first hand that this is hard," Adelaide called out, gripping onto the girl's shoulder to at least try and steady her. "But it's not safe here."

"We have to go back to the institute right now." Alec ordered, backing up Adelaide's previous statement with his own worries.

"So what now?" Clary now spoke with anger fueling her. "Valentine has my mom and Dot, and we're just going to give up?"

"Clary It's not that simple, Valentine is a much greater force than you can imagine," Adelaide spoke out, recalling the damage he had done to her own family. "We aren't equipped to deal with him right now."

"What about my memories? They can't just be gone?" Clary then questioned, trying every single angle she could even think of.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2019 ⏰

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