Start from the beginning

Alex was the bravest of them all. "I didn't do anything! I'm totally innocent," The moment that those words left his lips, the other interns were yelling at him. Even Courtney joined in, even though he was her best friend. He was not going to get away that easily. If she had to say those awful four words, so should he. "I wasn't even here. He knows I wasn't here. You think he doesn't know that? The guy's not mentally challenged."

"That's not the point. What about loyalty?"

"We made a an agreement."

"I'm in this and so are you! You can't back out now, Alex!" Courtney pointed her finger at Alex, squinting her eyes at him. They all started arguing and yelling at each other. They were all blaming the other and throwing words around. It could have developed even further, but the Chief stopped the six interns in time.

"People! I know who did this. So, you might as well come clean. I know," Richard tried to play it strategically. But in reality, he didn't know. He only had his suspicions and the interns were quick on their feet to point that out. He also didn't have any proof to hold any of them accountable. He had nothing. "Well, one of you compromised a patient's life. One of you stole an organ. One of you jeopardized the integrity of this hospital and of UNOS. Now, you tell me, and you tell me right now!" Everybody kept quiet, even though it hurt for some of them. "All right, fine. No surgeries."

"Sir?" Cristina looked shocked.

"You heard what I said. No surgeries. No one scrubs in, no one watches from the gallery, no one so much as goes near the OR floor. Until someone confesses, the five of you will share a single patient: Camille Travis. Whatever she wants, the five of you will provide it! Whatever she wants. Now, get the hell out of my sight!" With their heads hanging low, the group of interns left the conference room. As they were outside, they shared a look of sadness and disappointment. No surgeries? That was the most fun to do and what all of them looked forward to the moment they stepped inside the hospital. Even though they were sad about that part, they were still glad that at least they weren't fired, which George pointed out to them.

"He might as well have. No surgeries?" Cristina disagreed.

"That wasn't bad. We got off easy." Meredith let out a deep sigh as she quickly glanced over at her sister. Courtney was listening with her arms crossed, carefully thinking about what she was going to say.

"Yeah, for now. You think this is over?"

"I could really use a good coma right now. A nice, long coma." George went with his hands through his hair.

"Yeah, wake me up when all of this is over, please. A good night sleep seems quite nice and is just the thing that I need." Courtney let out a dry laugh as she agreed with George. The two of them shared a look, before nodding at each other. Cristina then said that she had only three careers that she ever wanted and she wasn't about to lose the one that was the most realistic.

"I will go back and tell him. I will tell him it was me." Izzie spoke up, trying to make everything alright. She still didn't realize that she wasn't the only guilty one there. Sure, she had done the thing that started it all and would get punished the most, the others were still her accomplices. Meredith was quick to tell her to keep her mouth shut. She wasn't going to tell anyone anything, nobody was.

"This is crap. I'm turning her in!" Alex had had enough and received a look from Meredith. It was one of those that said stop it. "What? You were the one who said we had to stand by Izzie. But now I get stuck catering some V.I.P chick patient? I don't think so," Izzie jumped in and expressed how grateful she was for what he did for Denny. "Oh, shut up. Look, the only reason I lied to Burke is because I wanted in on that transplant surgery. I don't care about Denny and I hope you get thrown out on your ass."

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