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"Kelso, for the last time, we aren't having pillow fights at sleep overs and we definitely do not make out" Donna said annoyed.

"Did i interrupt anything?" I threw my handbag on the couch and sat on the armchair.

"Nah, Kelso's just being him horny self" Eric told me.



"Oh no" he rolled his eyes once Red's voice echoed from the stairs and his head pop up seconds later.

"Did you- Oh what are these kids doing here again! Don't they have their own houses?"

"Dad, they're my friends and we're hanging out"

"And i live here" Hyde smiled at Red.

"Shut up dumass and you come upstairs, your mother needs help"

"Why won't you help her? She's your wife" Eric complaint

"What?" Red looked at him furious

"I mean, yeah, I'll be there right away"  Eric stand up quickly from the couch and followed him upstairs as we all tried to swallow our laughs.

"Poor Eric, Red's so scary" Fez hugged the chocolate box he was holding while putting a chocolate bite in his mouth.

"Even the sound of his voice makes Eric tremble"

"Yeah, i love that man" Steven laughed.

"Oh shut up" i told him and he mocked me.

"So how was the date?" Jackie asked and once all eyes where on me i cursed under my breath.

"Um..good" i replied quickly "so anyone else wondering how's Eric cause i am, I'll go give him a hand, he probably needs help haha" i laughed awkwardly

"Sit down" Donna rolled her eyes and i groaned sitting back down.

"I swear, i had it all figured out but one thing led to another and we ended up at the back of his van" i covered my face with my palms cause i knew i was getting attacked.

"WHAT!?" Jackie yelled

"So instead of braking up with him you had sex?" Hyde asked confused.

"Ohh yeah" Kelso stupid laughed

"Sex is sex baby"

"Oh shut up Michael, this is important" Jackie shushed him.

"Ayy, i have a feeling this isn't going well" Fez added.

"No way" Hyde rolled his eyes.


The Hub

"So i was thinking, what if there was a chair for adults, with wheels" Kelso took a bite from his hot dog before continuing "so much better than walking man" he smiled proudly.

"That's called wheelchair you idiot" Hyde told him "and it already exists" i added.

"What about a bike with a machine? Ha, guess you never thought about that"

"A motorcycle?" Eric asked and Michael just leaned back crossing his arms.

"You guys are really annoying lately, you know?"

"Hey" Fez looked at him offended, "not you" Michael said.

"Yay" Fez clapped smiling but stopped once we all looked at him.

"Leave me alone you white people"

"Is that Drew?" Jackie whispered and she immediately got all of our attention.

"No way, we didn't hung out cause he had studying to do" i said confused and turned around to check.

"If by studying he meant to study the inside of a girl's mouth with his tongue then he was being honest" Eric  joked and anger filled me up.

"Eric what the fuck?" Donna hit his arm "ouch" he complained and rubbed the spot where she hit him.

I tried to control my anger but seconds later i run out from the cafeteria leaving everyone behind.


"Y/n wait!" I turned around to the familiar voice and i came back to reality.

"Hyde?" I looked at him confused.

"For a 5 foot person you're walking too fast you know" i rolled my eyes.

"I had to run in order to reach you damn it" he said resting his palms on his knees for a few seconds.

"What do you want Steven?" I turned around and we both started walking.

"You stormed out man, first time seeing you so angry" he pushed my arm smiling.

"Still angry, want a taste?" I fake smiled and he chuckled taking a few steps away from me.

"I'd rather not ma'am"

"Good" i said and we kept walking until we reach my house.

"Man, That Was Unexpected" // Steven Hyde Where stories live. Discover now