Chapter 2

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Harper laughed as her father made her mom blush with his silly comments and once again hoped that she would have a love like theirs.
:Breaking news:......
They all turned towards the tv on the granite counter as the anchor man came back on the air trying to look calm but they could see the fear in his eyes as he began to speak.
:Ladies and gentleman we have a strange occurance happening at the station, just a few minutes ago we were taken hostage by a group of people claiming to be werewolves:
Harpers mother gasped and turned the tv up by the remote that was sitting beside her, Harper was silent, unsure on how to respond to the news, surely these people were sick and dillusional to think they were werewolves...
:We are now going to hear first hand from the so called alpha..: the camera spun to the left and came to rest on a tall,muscular man with tattoos covering his arms,chest and even his neck.
:Good evening, my name is Luca Delvechio and I am the alpha of the redmoon pack, for far to long my people have hidden themselves away, to scared to live as we should....on top of the food chain, but no more we are ready to take our place....:
The man was inturrupted by the anchor
: Excuse me, you expect the people of modesto to believe that you are some sort of supernatural being?:
The man smirked as the lights glinted of his nose piercing.
:I don't just expect the people of modesto, but all over the world to believe. Its up to you people how things turn out:
:What exactly do you mean by that?:the anchor asked,
:In exactly 5 minutes we will be known, we are stepping into the light and you good people can either fall in line or fall under our claws:
Harper stared at the tv in wonder, there was something that was quite intoxicating about this man, even on tv she could feel the power he had.
:Oh my....surely this man is unstable and needs help: her mother cried.
:Of course hun: her father agreed.
:How exactly do you plan on proving yourselves?:the anchor asked.
The camera swung back to Luca and Harper gasped at what she saw, his eyes that were an emerald green before were now a glowing amber...swirling depths the color honey
:Just you wait: he replied,his voice sounding deeper and more guttral. He stood up and Harper was shocked to find herself having naughty thoughts with the sight of his well muscled chest and six pack, both covered with bright ink.
:Time: he said and all of a sudden he cringed as the sound of bones breaking echoed through the station.
The camera shuddered as the man fell to his knees as his legs snapped backwards, his large hands turned into massive paws with knife like claws.
:Oh dear god: they heard the anchor man cry out in terror.
:Dad whats going on?:Harper asked.
:I don't know pumpkin, we just have to stay calm: her dad tried to stop her from freaking out.
Back as the studio screams were heard off camera as the man finished his change, in his place there stood a huge black wolf, eyes the color of honey stared back at the camera as the wolf flashed its inch long fangs.
Suddenly a woman came on the screen, she was beautiful but you could see she was dangerous at the same time. Her waist length black hair framed her gorgeous face as light blue eys stared out at the camera.
:Here is your proof, we are taking our place at the top, we will no longer hide in the shadows:
Just then the screen went dark as the signal was lost,Harper just sat there in stunned silence, just then they heard the most blood curling sound from outside, the sound of wolfs howling.......

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2019 ⏰

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