Escape Part 1

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Hey Humans (and Demigods) Sorry it took so long, I wanted this chapter to be really good because sometimes I read a fanfic bit some of the more tense scenes just kind of feel like a let down and I didn't want that to happen so I worked hard to make this chapter as good as I could get it while not taking to long.
Ok byeeeeeeeee.

Nico's POV

Percy was acting weird I realized I never actually found out where we were going, which wasn't like me, usually I liked to know everything, I guess I had grown closer to Lexi than I wanted to admit.

I decided it was better to ask now rather than when it was too late.

"So... Perce...y, Percy." I said, kind of awkwardly the only other time I had been alone with another boy was with Will.

I didn't want Percy to get the wrong impression, I was over him.

"Where are we heading" I asked since I never actually asked.

He turned and sighed, I figured I wouldn't like the answer.

"Tartarus" He responded, completely serious.

I stopped.

"What?" I said, my voice deathly quiet (Get it)

Percy turned around, he looked at me, his face was a mixture of sadness and seriousness.

"We're going where" I repeated

"Tartarus" He said, looking back at me with a stare, as if to say, if you want to leave...go.

I almost was prepared to leave, I couldn't go back to that place.

But I needed to show I don't run away from stuff, not that I'm worried about that but what if someone else found out I went back because I couldn't handle it.

"I'll go" I said keeping a firm face.

Percy looked at me.

"Look Neeks"

"It's Nico" I respond, only Will gets to call me Neeks...or Hazel...if she wanted too

Percy stopped and gave a lopsided smirk

"Look Nico, your not going to be alone this time, I promise we're going to make it

I promise

I didn't trust those words out of his mouth

Though I had to trust that he wouldn't let me down again

"Ok, thanks Percy" I said pretending to be completely inspired by what he said

Time Skip

Lexi's POV

I struggled to make even the slightest sound.

I don't know what the poison did to my voice but I couldn't even make a peep

I gave up after a while and sat against the rocky wall

A little while later I heard the sliding of rocks, like some pebbles against the rocky floor

"You idiot your going to get us caught" that was the unmistakable hiss of Nico's voice

I didn't hear an answer but I knew that if that was Percy with him he probably rolled his eyes and continued walking.

Slowly the two boys came into view.

Though Percy's blue jacket was pretty bright compared to the dull grey-red of...everything.

Even my bright orange CHB t-shirt faded to a dull barely orange colour.

Granted it had a lot of red on it, Tartarus isn't exactly the kindest to his prisoners

Percy and Nico ran quietly over to my cell when they saw me

"Lexi are you ok!" Nico whisper-shouted

I kind of nodded even though it was a complete lie, I felt like I was on fire constantly and I think that poison made me feel pretty sick.

Percy looked at me with a bit of concern

"Can't you talk"

I didn't know what to do for a second then I pointed to a pile of stuff in the corner, including my knife, sword and a small shield hidden in a ring

He grabbed all three not knowing what I meant

I took my knife and scraped onto the stone floors


Percy and Nico looked shocked

"So, you can't talk?" Nico asked, I sadly nodded.

"Is there a cure?" Percy asked.

I had no idea, but I remember Percy telling about one time he was trapped in Tartarus and he meant Achlys

Slowly I carved the name on the ground


Nico looked slightly confused but Percy looked petrified.

"She did this too you?" He asked

I didn't want to have to explain the Tartarus wanted to torture me so I just nodded

"Ok, hold on first we need to get you out of here, then we can worry about the whole Achlys situation" Nico said, knowing they probably didn't have too much time

Percy took his pen-sword, Riptide, and sliced the lock I got out, but I could swear as soon as I got out of my cell I started to feel worse.

I was finally put of my prison, now we needed to escape Tartarus...

Hello, so I know I suck and all that, but I've just decided that I don't want to feel stressed into doing this stuff and that I started writing for fun.

I hope you like this chapter I will add a part 2 sometime soon, but no promises when

Ok byeeeeeeeee


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