The Velveteen Knight

Start from the beginning

He hurt the rest of her team as well, sure, but they at least managed to talk to him. She couldn't, she wouldn't. And she didn't know what to do. It had been three weeks since that fateful night… And she hasn't spoken a word to him since.

Despite the sorrow she felt, she knew that by doing so she was hurting Jaune more than anyone. So she decided that today would be the day she would break the silent treatment.

All she needed to do was find the idiot. Under normal circumstances, he would be at the training grounds. This was not the case. So she decided to look for him in his dorm, things between her team had finally gone back to normal, and they could stand each other's presence again. She was grateful to the knight for this, but it still wasn't easy speaking to him.

Blake waited patiently as she knocked on the door, she was getting very nervous. Her nerves washed away when Pyrrha was the one to answer. "Hey Pyrrha, can I speak with Jaune?" She asked politely. Pyrrha responded in turn. "I'm sorry Blake, he isn't here right now, he should be at the training facility."

Blake was starting to get confused. "But I've already checked there, I thought he would be here…" Pyrrha shook her head, beginning to get a little worried. "I haven't seen him for hours, you know how he get's when he's there. He'll rip the muscles in his arms and keep on going."

Blake nodded. "I'm well-aware. The point is that if he isn't there, where could he be?" Pyrrha reached for her Scroll. "I'm not sure, I'll message the others and see if they've seen him… oh hey, it says here that Jaune got his Scroll today, I can just message him." Blake smiled, she'd been there when he lost his Scroll in the first place, she knew how much he wanted a new one.

After typing up a message, Pyrrha pressed the 'send' button, but nothing happened. "Scroll unable to receive messages at this current time? What...?" A terrifying thought dawned on them at that moment. They called for their teams immediately.

When Jaune's vision finally returned to him, Jaune saw that CRDL was nowhere in sight, Velvet was lying where he last saw her, and Jaune himself was covered in cuts and bruises. There was already a small pool of blood below him.

He attempted to stand but soon found that trying that was a terrible idea, hissing in pain Jaune looked down to see both of his legs bending at an odd angle. 'Must've broken my legs, I'm sure they'll heal.'

Jaune realized that his legs mightn't be the only things broken, so he gave himself a once over. His arms seemed fine, but his chest was burning with a pain very similar to that of his legs. 'Broken rib or two as well, huh?'

They were the only serious injuries that he had, but they would definitely incapacitate him, there was no way he was making it up those stairs. He then remembered the Scroll that he just got, he could call for help. As he searched himself for the device, he came up empty handed. He then noticed a small glint in the distance. Straining his eyes to see what it may be, Jaune paled in horror.

His Scroll was lying on the grass, shattered. "NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

His screams met deaf ears as he soon found darkness enveloping him again, he could do nothing but embrace it.

Velvet awoke in a daze.

The first thing she noticed was the sharp pain in the back of her head, the next was the amount of blood that covered the clearing, and the third was what seemed to be the source of the blood.

"Jaune!" She screamed getting to her feet quickly and rushing to his side. "Jaune, are you alright? Come on Jaune, get up!" Velvet found her pleas were futile when Jaune didn't get up, he didn't even stir.

Velvet decided that screaming at the unconscious person wouldn't help anyone, so she took in her surroundings. 'This looks like the Emerald Forest… it is! Beacon Cliff is right in front of us.' Surveying the clearing, Velvet noticed Crocea Mors lying on the ground in the distance. 'He must've gotten into a fight. Damn, why'd I leave my carrying case back in my dorm?'

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