Getting Along

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Bendy's POV
I can do this..... I can do this....... I can do this...... I CAN DO THIS!!!!!
But what if I mess up? What if I do something wrong?


"Bendy? Why are you screaming? Is something wrong?"
Boris said going in the room.

"WHAT IF I MESS UP?????!!!!"
Bendy exclaimed shaking Boris

"W-what do you meeeeaaannnn meess uupp?"
Boris replied and stopped Bendy.

"I'm going to be in good terms with Alice's dad but uuuuhhhh.... "
Bendy said nervously

"but.... What?"
Boris asked.

"I kinda...... uuuhhhh..... "

" let's say... He was..... Soaked..."

"you dropped a water bucket on his head, didn't ya?"
Boris said with a disappointing expression.

"but it was an accident! I didn't mean it to be on his head! It's supposed to be for someone else!"

"for who specifically?"
Boris raised an eyebrow.

"hehe.... You...?"

"well, not only you mistaken the person, you also managed to be in bad terms with your future father-in-law."
Boris replied blankly.

Bendy looked at Boris with puppy eyes to help him make things right

"Nope, Nope, Nope, I am not helping you with this."
Boris turned his head away from the begging Bendy.

"please Boris...... I don't know what I'd do without you.... "

" no Bendy, you're the one who got yourself into this mess."


"no Bendy."


*1 hour later*
Bendy tried to be consistent in asking Boris for help, doing bargains, and rewards.

"Bendy.... I said.... No!"


"Good, now if you'll excuse me I'll be going to rest in my room."
Boris said patting his head and going to his room.

Once Boris was gone, he ran over to Henry for help.

Bendy said running to his office.

Henry heard his name from outside and checked to see if anyone is there.

"Henry!!!!! Help!!!!!"
Bendy said running to his office door.

Henry opened his door to let Bendy in.

"what's the matter Bendy?"
Henry said worried.

"I..... Need..... Help!!!"
Bendy exclaimed panting.

"what do you need help with?"
Henry said with a smile.

"I need you to help me apologize to Alice's dad."
Bendy said with puppy eyes.

When Henry heard this, his face went blank.

*sigh* "what did you do this time?"
Henry said with a blank face.

"I...... Soaked her dad in water....? "

"you're on your own."
Henry said moving him out and locking the door.

" but Henry...."

Bendy asked helped from Joey to Wally to Tom, even Andrew, Alice's brother.

"Bendy, I'm sorry, but I can't help you."
Andrew said looking away.

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