wet kisses!

663 13 13

Kaminari' POV

Me and kirishima ran into to the common room this morning because well its Friday "OH MY FUCK! SHUT THE HELL UP!" Bakugo yell and his palms begin to spark like sparkler on 4th of July "bro, dude, man, chill" kiri ran over to bakugo to calm him down before he kills someone

"Because he not as annoying my ass" I began laughing as mina said that in a mocking tone as she made a talking hand thingy. I stumbled my way over to the couch that the squad was sitting at while holding my stomach. I fell onto sero and mina as my laughing died down

"So what do y'all want to do today. School was canceled because the teachers had an 'important meeting' and totally just dont want to fuck each other" mina said as she rolled her eyes

"Arcade?" Kiri suggested ignoring what mina said

"Nah we did that last weekend" I said and the thought of going to the arcade bored me

"Mall" mina suggests the all the males yell NO in unison " okay okay, sheesh"

Bakugo didn't suggest anything like usual. But we all sat in silence for while till and sero said something

"Well at my house there's a giant pool in the back, and my parents will be gone for two weeks so?"

"YASS QUEEN WE CAN HAVE A SQUAD POOL PARTY!" I yelled startling everyone in the common room and I've been watching to much shane dawson (same dude. Same)

"One never say that again and two, yeah I'm down" bakugo says with his usual face trying not to show excitement

And so for the rest of the day the squad got ready for the amazing and totally illogical pool party that was gonna happen

After about twenty minutes of trying to fine my swim trunks I heard my phone buzz and ding pulling my consultation away from finding my swim trunks

Beet dat bitch

MinaQUEEN: hey! Can I bring something

Somo: like I care?

MinaQUEEN: kool

Bakuhoe: please never again

MinaQUEEN: never again wat

Bakuhoe: smh nvm

Patrick's rock: can I bring pool supplies

Somo: sure

Patrick's rock: wheres dankibro???

MinaQUEEN: I actually dont know

Baku: I didn't kill him today

Somo: I still cant believe you hanged him to the U to the UA sign smh the poor thing

Bakuhoe: well that's what the bitch gets

Patrick's rock: bakugo...

MinaQUEEN: uh oh he use the 3 dots. You in trouble

The chat went on as so but I ignored it because I couldn't find my trunks and needed them before 3 which was in 5 hours so I gave up and called sero

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