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~kaminari's POV~

I've been having dreams. They'er not normal ones. Were you like get rich, have an Adventure, ect. They were never normal. It was always about a boy, or a girl? They had black hair just a few inches off of their shoulders. We would talk for hours on end or until one of use had to get up. They were usually pleasant dreams or nice talks. I recall one time I had fallen asleep in the car

the boy was there sitting under a cherrywood tree. The sun was just setting making it look so radiant. The boy wasn't facing twards me. "Hey" I said in a soft whisper careful not to frighten the boy. He turned around with a bright smile on his face "hey" he replied. Walking over I plopped down next to him. "Wanna make up nicknames for each other?" I asked randomly. We were probably only like ten but we both found out very quickly that we couldn't share real life information. Like our names, where we live, and who our family is. But we were able to talk about our day and give our birthday. "Sure" he turns twards me sitting crossed laged and I did the same. "Ok. Hmm?" It was a bit puzzling to make up a nickname. I had to ponder for a minute to actually think of anything but he beat me to the punchline

"Pichu is your nickname"
I chuckled
"Why pichu though?"
"You look like one"
We both quietly laughed
'He has a cute laugh' I remember thinking that. It honestly scared me to think a guy had a cute laugh
"Hey. What's your qurik" I asked
"Tape, I can shoot tape from my elbows and practically do anything with 'em" he said.
"So like....Spiderman!" I shouted thrilled that he resemble my favorite comic hero.

"Spiderman huh? Never thought of that"


We went on like that, talking and calling each other by our nicknames. But it all ended quickly. By my second year of middle school we never saw each other again. That hurt me a lot, I didn't know why we couldn't talk with each other. I missed him so much, it made me feel so dejected. Like he didn't want to see me. But that all quickly replaced with stress and excitement. I wanted to get into UA so my mom allowed me to take the entrance exam. And today the acceptance letters were coming in

"DENKI! IT'S HERE!" my mother yelled excitedly. "COMING" I yelled back rushing down the stairs tripping on the last one. I gave a hushed 'owie' before picking myself up and rushing to the kitchen table where my mom awaited for me. "Hurry, hurry!" My mom yelled as she bounced in her seat like a child on Christmas morning. "Okay, okay" I grabbed the envelope. Not opening it just yet. I took a shaky breath. 'Sktrrr' I ripped the envelope open seeing a folded letter inside. "Hurry child or I won't make cookies" my mom said, well I guess more of threatened me. I took the letter out and glanced at it. Seeing "ACCEPTED" in bold gold letters. I stayed still for a second trying go comprehend what I just read. My mom snatched the paper out of my hand reading it for herself. Her eyes moved across the page before flicking back and doing it again. Her mouth dropped open, her eyes wide as she slowly looked at me. Her face quickly changed into a concerned look "Denki?" She asked

"babe, why are you crying?" 'Wait?!' 'Im crying?' I slowly brought my hand up to my cheek feeling it. It was wet, I really was crying. But why. I didn't say anything. My mom put the paper down as she opened her arms spreding them out. I swiftly embraced her. 'Why am I cry' I just kept wondering. The thought kept pounding at my head.

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