Part 13

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Yuuki hadn't been the same since she thought she saw her sister, she was being so quiet now. We were on watch while the boys slept and Yuuki hadn't said one word, she paced a bit but now she was just sitting in front of the fire leaning on the tree beside Izaya

MK- "Yuuki, I'm here to talk any time you know.."

She looked up at me, still not smiling

YK- "I'm leaving the get out of the house where she...But for some reason this trip has shown me what I'd be missing out on and I hate the thought of it...But leaving is the best chance for me to get over her death easier so I'll do what I have to."

I smiled and sat beside her, holding her hand softly

MK- "You should leave if you think this is the only way to help yourself Yuu, I know we've never really gotten along and I regret that but this is what you should do and I think they'd understand that. All we need to do is get out of here and you're free from the devastating past that way you can make your own future. You deserve that Yuuki."

She finally smiled, I hated being sentimental with people but after all this time here I felt like I could let loose around her since she was a girl going through all the same things everyone else, but she had things worse. 

YK- "Thanks Mika. You're not half bad."

she chuckled and I rolled my eyes, elbowing her side lightly and without knowing it she bumped into Izaya which woke him and he jumped a little at their closeness

IZ- "Yuu, everything okay?"

I laughed slightly, being careful as I got up so I didn't wake Eli

MK- "Yeah, That is my fault isn't it?"

Yuuki rolled her eyes with a smile before she too got up. When she went to speak something  made a growl in just beyond eye sight of the burning flames which made me a bit afraid

IZ- "What was that?"

I looked at him, fear filling my body as it screamed and Eli woke up

YK- " that"

she put her arms around Izaya, fear gleaming in her eyes as the growling got closer

E- "shhh"

he lightly covered her mouth as I sat back down by them, Yuuki was lightly whimpering when the twigs started snapping closer to us

IZ- *whispering in Mikasa's ear* "It's okay Mika. Breathe okay? it doesn't seem to be able to get near the fire."

I looked at Izaya, his eyes were very reassuring which made me relax into his side

IZ- "You're okay, I'm here. It's okay Mika, it's okay"

I laid my head on his neck to listen to his heartbeat and calm down. there was a deeper growl then wimper which made me shake a little bit as he rubbed my arm. I heard Yuuki behind me whimpering as there was a scream.

IZ- "It's alright Mika, I'm only going to check it out."

he whispered as he got up and I watched him leave with fear as Yuuki went to say something but was hushed by Eli. Seconds later Izaya was knocked back, very close to the fire which made me and Yuuki scream

IZ- "ah damn..that shit hurt"

I went to his side 

E- "what happened?"

YK- "you okay?!"

her blue hair was covering her eyes now which made me a bit jealous when she touched his cheek. She was so pretty and didn't know it

IZ- "I saw something...human-like and  it just....I don't know"

MK- "stay near the fire then."

we all agreed to be near the fire if needed.

Eli and Yuuki were sitting opposite us talking while I was with Izaya, he looked tired and weak like something was physically making him more tired. I smiled on the thought that he was taking to much time into all of us so I pushed his forehead back

MK- "Sleep dipshit."

he smiled while looking at me

IZ- "Kid. I'm older then you so you sleep."

I rolled my eyes and elbowed him, making him laugh

MK- "I'll be fine"

YK- "Awwww so cute! You two are flirting"


I started laughing and noticed Izaya didn't deny he was flirting

MK- "Aigoo"

Soon he leaned back onto the tree and had his eyes closed

E- "You sleep too Yuuki."

she smiled and leaned her head on Izaya's lap, making him smile when he looked at  her

IZ- "you didn't ask nicely Yuu"

she didn't move but opened her eyes. Most of the times it scared me that her eyes were red but I got used to it pretty easily

E- "shut up and sleep you two. You both need to have energy when we leave in the morning"

Yuuki looked over at him with a slight smile, more true then ever before

YK- "Night then"

she closed her eyes and Izaya took his glasses off and admired her for a second before he leaned his head back. Adam's apple bobbing when he swallowed his saliva and not long later he fell asleep with her in his lap

E- "We won't all survive...will we?"

I looked at him, he always trusted his gut feeling and it was rarely wrong but my question was who would die.

MK- "We will. I have faith in everyone."

My eyes went to Izaya's throat again, is adam apple moved with his breathing then I looked at Eli. his brown eyes matched his light brown hair, it was like my shirt and shorts

E- "Him I have faith in, Yuuki seems weaker now and Weak is bad here right?"

MK- "Eli. what are you even talkin about? You like her right? So why act like that?!"

I looked at him, his eyes were set on Yuuki

E- "The forest won't let us four escape."

I looked at her, she looked peaceful.

MK- "We will all live through this."

He sighed and looked at me, his eyes slightly showing that he was upset and worried but he still smiled.

Death woodsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora