Number 13

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Aaliyah decided to go home. She had to make her marriage work. She still loved Jameel, despite everything. She sat down with her brother and sister in law and prepared to tell them

"I've decided I'm going home."

"What? Why?"

"That's a good question, but for the answer you have to ask my heart."

"What do you mean?"

"This is such a mess, but the truth is I can't live without Jameel. I should hate him for what her did, but I can't. I married him, and in that marriage were vows that I took. They might not have been legal, but I promised myself I'd love him forever, to stay by his side through thick and thin."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I love him, despite everything. I can't go back on my promises I made to myself, during the wedding. I've tried living without him, it's too hard. Please pray for me, that I succeed. It's going to be a hard journey ahead."

Aaliyah got on the bus, and went home.  She opened the door and went inside. The house was a complete mess. She didn't know where Jameel was, but got to work. She cleaned up and made dinner. She hid in the cupboard to surprise Jameel. Jameel came home, tired. He gasped as he saw the place. Everything was perfect and dinner was ready. He found a cassette on the table, so pressed play

"Jameel.... Aaliyah's voice began, I should hate you for what you did, but the truth is my heart can't live without you. I love you, even though I should hate you. I want to try again, and if you feel the same way, go to the cupboard and put your favourite jacket on. Inside you will find further instructions."

Jameel ran to the cupboard and gasped as he saw Aaliyah. "Took you long enough" she said. Aaliyah stood there, not knowing what to do or say.  In the end, she threw her arms around him and wept.

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