Number 3

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Aaliyah had been at her brothers house for a few days. She was actually enjoying herself. She didn't have the memories to haunt her. Yesterday, she had seen a piano in the courtyard. She sat down, and started playing. She was so lost in playing, she didn't have realise she had an audience. After she finished, everyone started clapping. Aaliyah shyly smiled and thanked them. A guy ran up to her

"That was amazing."


"Do you teach?"

"Me? No. I just play for fun."

"Well it sounds brilliant the music you were just playing. Maybe you should teach."

"Me? No. I'm not good enough."

"Well, I think you're brilliant."


"Could you teach me?"


"Teach me to play the piano."

Aaliyah hesitated. She didn't think she was that good, but this guy was insistent. "Okay. We'll start tomorrow morning. 9am sharp. Don't be late." "Thanks, I'm Jameel." "Aaliyah."

So now they've met. What do you think will happen next? What's Jameels mistake? Any ideas?

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