Chapter 25: Their World

Start from the beginning

"We're at the seven eleven nearest the building. I couldn't go far because of Sammy".

"That's OK, if you would like to call the police now go ahead, I'm on my way".

I close my eyes, "No I already know who it was".

"What do you mean?"

"It's happened before and the police wont do anything about it because it's my "problem I live on the worst side of the city". I was just really scared because I have Sammy with me and this time looks worse-oh thank God I see your car!".

I hang up my phone, lift Sammy to my hip and run out to Giovanni's arms.

"Your OK Sophia, I've got you".

Sammy starts to cry again seeing me cry and Gio takes her from me. He leads me to the car where a dark haired man sat behind the wheel.


The man swerves into the road, "Yes boss".


"You two sleep in my bed, I'll take one of the guest rooms".

I rub my eyes, "Are you sure?"

He holds my face, "Am I ever unsure?"

I peck him on the lips then take Sammy from his arms careful not to wake her.

In the bedroom I slip off my Crocs, put my hair into my bonnet and pull the covers over Samantha and I.

It took us 3 hours to get to Giovanni's actual home which is actually a mansion and if I wasn't so tired and fell asleep on the way here, I would have gone crazy at the site.

I send Gust a quick message explaining what happened then pull Samantha close to me as I fall asleep.


I wake up to to sunshine streaming inside the plain white room. The first thing I notice is that Samantha is not in bed and that it's almost 1 pm.

Grabbing my phone and walking out of the room, I call Giovanni to make sure he has Samantha. I didn't even need to say anything for he knew my words before they left my mouth.

"Don't stress, she's with me".

"Thank you, I'll be right down".

Jumping out of bed I walk to the attached sink and splash my face with water when I notice a pack of unopened tooth brushes.

After finishing up in the bathroom I head out the room and find myself going to the left and down a flight of stairs. I end up in a dead end so I turn back around and walk to the right then I'm forced to take a left turn that leads me down another flight of stairs to another hallway but this one has a lot of rooms lined up that appear smaller then the rooms next to mine. I can't help but get a little creeped out especially because the hallway's are dark.

"Who are you?"

I whip my head around to see a tall figure of a man walking my way.

"Um I'm Sophia".

I take a step back as he comes closer.

The figure crosses his arms, "You girls aren't allowed up here. You stay in the first floor only".

"Oh um, Giovanni brought me here. I didn't know I'm not supposed to be here".

He pulls out his phone and before I could let out a shaky breath the lights turn on from above. I blink a few times trying to adjust to the light then I finally take the man in.

He is shirtless but in a pair of black basketball shorts with black Nike sneakers. His black hair makes his sky blue eyes appear brighter and his eyes make his tanned skin look richer.

"You said you came with Giovanni?"

I nod unable to speak.

He scratches his head as he stares me down, "He gave you that to wear?"

I shake my head confused, "No these clothes are mine".

The guy looks back down at his phone then puts it to his ear.

"You know a Sophia?"

He looks down at me as a smirk grows on his face.

"Calm down she's fine-".

"I swear man I didn't touch her-"

He rolls his eyes and hands me the phone.

"Sophia? Are you OK?", Giovanni's voice is panicked.

I smile, "Yeah I am but I got lost cause this house is so flippin' big".

"Did Alessandro do anything? I'll kill him! Stay where you are I'll come get you-".

I frown, "No Gio he just asked who I was and stuff. I'm perfectly fine just shaken up a little for obvious reasons. Besides Alessandro promised to show me the way downstairs to make up for scaring me".

I narrow my eyes at Alessandro who was shaking his head then forced a smile.

From the other line Giovanni releases a breath, "OK".

Handing the phone back to Alessandro I follow him down another flight of stairs.

He nudges me in the ribs, "So you and my Cuz huh?"

I look up at him my face heating up, "What do you mean?"

He laughs, "Oh come on Sophia don't play stupid with me. Everyone knows that Giovanni or 'Gio' as you called him doesn't date".

I hide my smirk, "Who said we're together?"

He rolls his eyes, "The fact that he said he would kill me if I had touched you-"

I smile, "He was just kidding-"

Alessandro grabs my arm and turns me around giving me a deadly serious look, "You seem like a nice girl Sophia, and it's obvious that you aren't from our world. But around here...we don't joke about death sweetheart".

His warm blue eyes had gone cold and his hard voice sends a shiver down my spine.

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