For The Dreamare Competition~

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The lovely author ShatteredDream777 wrote a Dreamare oneshot in they're Sanscest book called, "Undertale AU Sanscest lemons." (Please go check it out and give them a follow! They are an amazing and talented author who I admire very much, and they deserve a lot of support for their writing.) They added an art competition to the story where we (the artists) had to pick a scene to illustrate, and I have chosen from the one shot to illustrate this part of the story in my own artistic abilities and interpretation:

-"The feeling of the tentacle was weird, but overall wasn't uncomfortable, but being this near my brother, was. I watched as he stepped closer to me and put his hand on my cheek, leaning closer and putting our foreheads together, I was scared, but at the same time, felt so safe. This feels like all the times in the past when we used to just laugh and play."-

Here's the art:

(The damn picture got deleted twice and I was sooooo upset because I've spent like 4 and 1/2 hours working on this)

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(The damn picture got deleted twice and I was sooooo upset because I've spent like 4 and 1/2 hours working on this)

In the scene, it said that Nightmare was pulling Dream forward in a way that made him nervous but also made him long for the brother he'd known and loved. I took that into play and so the apple that I drew represents two things in a sense. It represents that Nightmare is in a way putting out his soul to Dream to get him to trust him, and it also represents that Nightmare is pulling Dream's soul in, because his little brother longs for the safety he'd felt with Nightmare once. Hence, the blue in it for Nightmare, and the gold for Dream. 

I'm sorry that it didn't come out perfectly or exactly as the story described, but after staying up all night and redoing the entire thing twice, I decided to do this and have it ready. I think it's pretty good for how long it took, but the judging is really up to ShatteredDream777. I'd like to hope it does well!


~*The art shown was drawn by, and belongs to me. If this picture is used elsewhere without my permission (or the permission of the one who I made it for, if that's the case), then please let me know. I will not/do not accept art theft. I worked hard on this, as does every other artist. Don't steal, please!*~

I do requests. Please tell me if you have any. I'm up for almost anything.

Thank you, bye.~ ❣

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