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Two pictures, and I'm quite proud of them

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Two pictures, and I'm quite proud of them. Temmie and Frisk. 

The temmie was easy, since it was like drawing a cat. The hair was probably the hardest part of the drawing, but still simple. I enjoyed it tho. Temmie is always so fun to draw.

However, Frisk was a little more difficult. Human designs are always difficult, and I'm happy to say that mine was decent. For one, their head was not huge. A problem that I constantly have. I draw a lot of chibi, so her body-type was a new experience.

Anyways, I hope you guys like the two drawings. A few more are to come. Leave a vote, comment, and be sure to leave more drawing or story suggestions. I always enjoy new ideas and suggestions.

Boi!!!! :3

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