His fathers expression dropped, "I asked you if everything was alright."

"Oh..." Minho began, feeling horribly exposed.

There was no one guarding his key points, his back was completely exposed.

However, as if on cue, the door slammed open, this time it did slam against the man stood infront of it, who jerked forward in shock and pain.

The room immediately changed in its demeanour, and the sudden anger that flashed over his father's face shocking Minho.

Something was not right.

"DAMN!" Felix shouted, casually stepping over the writhing man on the floor like they were a speck of a dust, "WOULD I REALLY LIKE SOME ORANGE JUICE RIGHT NOW!"

Minho's father relaxed at the seemingly outlandish action of Felix, the expression of anger disappearing as quickly as it appeared.

But it transferred it's way onto Minho's face as he processed Felix's words, which to anyone else, sounded like nothing but a mundane and childish request for a beverage.

But to the two of them it meant so much more.

"What was that Felix?" Minho's dad asked his adoptive son, a jolly smile back on his face.

"I would really appreciate some orange juice right now." he repeated, stepping up to cover Minho's back with his own.

"I mean...we can get some for you if you'd like." His father chuckled, gesturing to his assistant, who seemed highly uncomfortable and on edge, "But orange juice? You boys are too old for juice."

Orange juice, a code word Felix and he and made up when they were both barely into their double digits- so engrossed in a prolonged game of spies that they had created an entire book of codes. But as soon as Felix said the words, and under this context, years of their childish game rushed to the front of his head, pounding escape.

Orange juice?

= Suspicious.

"You're right..." Felix said casually, humming to himself in question, "Maybe a Casa Noble Crystal Tequila on the rocks? How does that sound Minho?"

Casa Noble Crystal Tequila, "Doesn't sound too bad." Minho replied, not sure if it was too quiet for anyone to hear.

= Don't reveal known intel.

"Now that's something I can get behind!" The man watching them both with hawk eyes laughed with his chest, clapping a hand onto Minho's shoulder. What would have normally been a comforting or familiar gesture felt threatening at that moment, like a reminder to stay in place.

On the rocks...

"How's you say we hit a pub?" Felix continued, turning to Minho.

= Need to leave immediately.

"If I'm being honest," Minho groaned, trying his best to act along, "After all this I do think I need some rounds of tequila."

"I don't see why not, it's the least bit of relaxation I can offer you. Just don't over do it." his father replied in fake-stern, a teasing grin on his face.

Then, with a sudden act of compassion, Minho's father leaned in, face dangerously close to the others,

Minho gulped.

"Don't worry son, we'll find Han Jisung, no matter what."

Minho nodded, not trusting his voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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