"What does that mean?" I ask, curious to know what he said but more to know how he replied to my statement. Many men nowadays want simple and open relationships, all sex and no commitment. However, in my experience, as soon as the woman is making the rules and placing the boundaries there is suddenly a problem.

They like to be the ones to break it off when they get bored or see something they don't like. So, when a woman, like me, knows that she doesn't want anything more than sex, it throws them for a loop and you suddenly become something they can't have. It drives them crazy that you're not falling by their feet and begging to be their girlfriend. Give them a little mystery and they'll be chasing you for months.

I really hope he isn't like that.

"Consider it one of my secrets." He answers, dodging my question completely, something that I would do. I'm really intrigued by this guy, he can hold his own and he seems to understand my way of flirting. Also, how he isn't turned off by how forward I am, I want to fuck him and I am not going to hide it.

I can come across quite cold as I don't open up to just anyone, but it's for a very simple reason. I was hurt before and don't want anyone to have that power over me again. For that same reason I know myself, I know that deep down I am a romantic and I need to place many barriers between my heart and the people I fuck. If I learn too much about someone, their dreams and insecurities, it's hard for me to then leave.

The less that I know, the better.

"I like secrets." I reply, finishing the beer in my hands. This conversation has been the most interesting one I have had with a guy in a long time. If I wasn't burning up and dying to suck his cock, I could stay here with my back to him and flirt all night. I have always been more into action than words, words are lies.

"Should I even ask your name then?" He asks and I'm relieved to hear there is still that teasing tone in his voice, he is not being offended by the fact that I am only interested in his dick. I don't want to get my hopes up but I have a feeling that something good is going to come out of meeting him. Maybe, I can finally stay friends with him after we've fucked.

"I would like to know who's name I'm going to be moaning tonight." I reply as I reach forward and drop my bottle onto the table, finally turning around to face him. My curiosity becoming too large, I needed to see what the guy looked like because in my head he was perfect.

I was wrong.

As I am now looking at him, the image in my head was nowhere near the level of hot that he is. I thought that he would be hot but the man in front of me, is hands down the most good-looking man I have ever seen in my life. He has that model look, with the strong jawline and the beginning of a beard growing. It's a little dark so I can't exactly tell the colour of his eyes but they look like green to me, coupled with his dark brown hair, he is a man you'll never forget.

For the first time ever, I am rendered speechless by the fact that he is so handsome. You see models on Instagram all the time and you see good looking guys in real life, but there is just something extra about him that makes me want to rip my own damn clothes off right now and lay down on the nearest table, letting him do whatever the fuck he wants to me.

"You're going to be screaming Jules." He replies, snapping me out of my daze, well partly. I still feel like I am staring at him like a damn idiot. I guess there is such a thing as someone being too good looking, because looking at Jules I feel as though I am going to say the wrong thing. I never care about what someone might think of what I'm saying.

"Screaming huh? You're confident in your skills." I note as I take a step closer to him, pressing my boobs against his rock-hard chest, which is not the only thing that is hard but I'm going to get there in a little bit. I'm not going to feel around now, I'll save that little surprise for when he takes off his jeans and I can see his cock clearly.

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