04. Sleepover

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Hope's POV

"I'm Alyssa, Mike's girlfriend." are the words that come out of her mouth and I can't believe what I'm hearing. Please let this be some kind of hallucination where I wake up and realise that I was just sick from being out in the rain for so long.

However, this sure does feel real.

"What, he didn't tell you about me?" she asks with that same malicious smirk on her face as she takes a step closer to us, shielded from under her bright pink umbrella but that does nothing to hide the glint in her eyes that gives her intentions away.

"There's nothing to tell, Alyssa." Mike replies as he takes a step back to my side as he was rushing ahead, dragging me through the parking lot and now that this woman has appeared he seems to want to be close to me.

"Oh, really so last week was nothing?" she asks with a fake pout on her face which I want to punch as I get this sick feeling in my stomach.

"I told you that was a mistake." He growls at her quietly as some people look at us weirdly but because of the storm no one is going to stop and stare, thankfully.

"A mistake doesn't last for an hour." She snaps back still looking confident as she stares at me and this time I can't hold back the emotion showing on my face, as I flinch at the picture her words paint.

"Well mine lasted 3 years with you." He shouts at her, no longer caring to play nice and not draw any attention to this whole scene but the people with umbrellas apparently find this more interesting than going home to a warm drink.

"And that's why you wanted to marry that mistake?" she replies and it seems like nothing can faze her, she seems to have an answer for anything and everything Mike might say to her.

"Thank God you stopped me from making the biggest mistake of my life." Mike replies while looking straight at her, completely tuning out everyone that is staring at us.

"You're going to change your mind again, as we keep coming back to each other. You can't deny true love." She smiles at him with what I'm going to call adoration and love on her face, anyone looking in would think that they are meant to be together and are just taking a break right now.

With those parting words she just turns around and walks away as if she did not just cause the dramatic scene in the middle of the parking lot. As if she didn't just make me doubt everything that has happened in the last 3 months.

She's made me doubt everything that I am feeling and if it is true, but the pain I feel at her words are just one of the signs that show me that my feeling are true and my love for Mike is real.

I wish I could go back to an hour ago when my biggest problem was him not saying those three little words back, I guess I was naïve to think things can't get worse and look where that's gotten me.

As if mother nature wants to give me a break, the rain lets up and slows down to a slow drip, almost like the sky is really crying and just single painful tears are falling down.

I'm surprised at myself and the fact that I haven't shed a tear yet, I am a very emotional person and even when I'm really frustrated or angry I can start crying which is not very helpful but it's confusing as I am just frozen on the spot right now and doing nothing.

"Hope, please say something." Mike breaks the silence next to me and I want to laugh that this is when he choses that he's going to talk to me.

"Just take me back home." I reply quietly as the people that had gathered start to thin out and of course as they're walking away I can see their heads come together and the whispers of gossip have already started.

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