You and Jojo at Claires

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Walking to the local Claire's, you felt excited. Today was the day you would get your ears pierced and you were so happy that your mom finally let you.

Taking a step in, your chest tightens up when you see who is behind the counter. You couldn't miss her, with the obscene amount of sparkles and bows and... she's beautiful...

Your face turns tomato red as you walk up to the counter.

"Um.." You faltered-

"Yes ma'am?" Her voice was loud and raspy.. and cute...

"Can I get my ears pierced today?"

In a split second her hands shot up to cup your face.

"Of course you can!" She gave a bright smile.

Feeling even redder, you continued with the process, choosing the earrings and such.

She was so beautiful. Her bleached hair in that ponytail and with that bow.. It was amazing... Her receding hairline was absolutely stunning.

"Now Y/N, this is gonna hurt a bit," she said as she prepared the earring gun.

"Is there a way to numb it or something?"

She stood there for a few seconds, rubbing her chin, until she got an idea. The girl stood up straighter and winked at you as she readied the gun to shoot the earrings right into your earlobe.

"Wait you can't numb it? Are you su-"

Your sentence was cut off as she pressed her lips to yours in the middle of Claire's as she shot the gun and sent a searing pain, albeit a little more mellow, through your ear as the earring was inserted.

You both passionately made out as she shot through your other ear and effectively pierced your ears.

As she pulled away, you got a closer look at her now pinkish face. It was a bit weird, she had a glint in her eyes that screamed "DANGEROUS" but... you didn't mind.

She quickly taught you how to clean your ears and as you paid for the visit you quickly asked a very important question.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Jojo Siwa!"

Wait, wasn't this girl that YouTube famous singer? Wait- you just made out with a famous person?!

"Are you serious?!"

"I sure am!" She squealed. "I'm your girl Jojo!"

You immediately bent over the cashier counter, knocking over arrays of bows, and pressed your lips to hers for the second time.

What Jojo didn't realize was that you were taking a selfie of you guys kissing to show your best friend, Sans Undertale.

Jojo Siwa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now