Chapter 2: Trying To Bond

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Zane's POV

After having been knocked out by Mitsuki I was dragged and put on the couch where I slept for a couple of hours...soon I woke up and looked around only to have someone shove me back down on the couch cause someone was sleeping on me. I looked and it was Mitsuki and she looked mad but somewhat very happy...I can never bloody tell with her. Minutes later she just straight up told me in her sleep to go to our sons room and try to bond with him or at least something a father would I did. I got up and went to his room. After a couple of minutes looking for the right one I found a door with burn marks and holes on the door and knew it was his. I soon knocked on it

Zane: Uhm...hey...boyyo?

Bakugo: WHAT?!

Zane; Look. Ya mum told me to get to know you...and I was thinking of doing that.


Zane: Look here laddie it's either that or we both get our arses on the line...look...I know you're mad more cause of learning the truth...I have my reasons. It's not that I WANTED to leave you and your mum...

Bakugo: Doors fucking open dipshit. Get in.

Zane: Fecking hell boyyo. Ye got a mouth of a goddamn sailor. You're so me and your mums son.

I soon walked in and saw his room, a lot of burn marks and holes and a mess of clothes and other crap. He was on his bed on his phone.

Zane: So. Where shall we start then?...introductions? Cause I'm sure as feck doing that. Alrighty. I'm Zane Flynt, your pops.

Bakugo: And I'm the son you fucking ditched you walking corpse.

Zane: Fecking hell this is gonna take a while...look. I know I screwed up. Not my choice. Not my choice at all. I was scammed badly. Parently if I disobeyed these corporate cunts they be keeping you and ya mums ashes in their cocaine bags. You think I fecking wanted that? Hell no. So I had to play by them rules till I managed to get enough time to kill em. Met a man and his husband named Wainwright Jakobs....yes THAT Jakobs and his nice husband. And he gave me so much fecking money to come back here and live a new one. And here we are.

Timeskip hours of bonding and we finally came through and chatted up more seeing behind all of this anger was a somewhat calm boyyo...

Bakugo:'re saying your brothers are villains and my uncle Flynt would send thugs to kill you?

Zane: Which- oh! Yes. Captain. By the way boyyo. That is actually his bloody name. He would send thugs me way and I'd gun them down like nothing. Was our way of knowing I was still kickin and his way of showing his care for me.

Bakugo: Wow...your brothers a dick.

Zane: Yes he is boyyo...yes he is. Runs a bandit and villain group in the snowy mountains here too. Bunch of fecking daft cunts you ask me.

Bakugo: Huh...

Zane: So...any more questions?...

Bakugo: Whats Your quirk old man?...

Zane: Good question. I ain't got one.

Bakugou: ...what?

Zane: I know right? I thought I was gonna be a little wee sheep bitch working at a store for my whole life. But I mean. Look at me!

I then pulled out my old wanted photos on my phone.

Zane: I am wanted in almost every country that ain't my hometown or here. People want me fecking head~

Bakugou: But. You got this gear and shit and you?

Zane: Mate, ya don't need a quirk for skill. It was rough as feck for about 5 whole years till I was able to work out a lot of kinks and take on hits, trust me. And your mother didn't love me cause I had some amazing quirk or have well used to have the best looking face a mother would love, she loved me cause she was a gal who was my big crush when I did a job here in Musutafu.

Bakugou: hm...not sure the past part was needed but...alright.

Zane: I mean it. I don't need a quirk to make me badass. Just me smarts and heart to help me through adventures....any more questions?

Bakugou: No. not really. Think you can teach me some skills of yours? Probably can kick your ass even without them.

Zane: HA!

Bakugou: Bullshit.

Zane: Noooope. Ya only learn once ya be ready.

Bakugou: That's stupid.

Zane: Ya Damn right boyyo. Now. I have a girl missing me, and I fear of making her wait. Ya mum's my true one but she do scare me, and you being our kid two scare me more. Been fun talking son, chat later then?

Bakugou: Guess so...later old man.

I nodded as I walked out his room and closes his door, then went downstairs and back on the couch only for Mitsuki to death grip me like always.

Mitsuki: You're still a fuck up...but your my fuck up.

Zane: Yeah yeah, love you too. Heh..

I smiled as I kept her close to me knowing this will be an interesting life to come back too, course I should be wee wary about me being here, lots of enemies and a big fookin bounty on me handsome head. And if I'm seen by any possible rivals I could be putting them in danger. Course I was punched in my chest a bit which snapped me out my thoughts.

Zane: Wha?

Mitsuki: I can tell your long silence must you be worried about a bounty...again. How much is it this time? 10? 30?

Zane: Eeeeeeh...100 million internationally from a few people.

Mitsuki: Well you know me well. I can handle my own when I need to. Even saved your stupid Irish ass once.

Zane: Twice.

Mitsuki: Hell yeah.

I laughed a bit as he closed me eye and slowly went back to sleep knowing things haven't changed as much as they have.

(Been way too long to do this. Was almost done with this too and got side tracked to much but finished this chapter in a little rush. Either good or bad is to one's opinion which I do hope is good or even get some constructive criticism to help me better write as best I can. Goodnights)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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