Already Slacking

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(Addy's outfit above)

  Last night was wonderful ...  until I got that present. I was shocked. I couldn't sleep at all. Now I'm in history class. Alaric seemed off but the only thing on my mind is Klaus. My first day back and I'm already slacking. Great.

  Neither of my brothers were aware that I knew Klaus. I met him in the late 19th century just before we fled Mystic Falls. I fell madly in love with him.  I met Katherine aka Katarina. We became friends she was like the older sister I never had. Klaus traveled down and layed low in their cabin among the woods. I was wondering in one day I found it, along with Elijah and we became best friends and then he introduced me to his younger brother Niklaus. I hated him but slowly let him in and fell in love. As soon as I heard his plan about capturing Kathrine I felt betrayed and upset. That was s when I had no idea what Katherine did to my family. This was not long after I met him. And then it was finally time to flee because he had made a deal with the council regarding vampire species in Mystic Falls. They were all to be killed. I wanted to find Katherine and mourn but my brother Damon Forced me to leave. 

They turned me a year later. Maybe I was simply young a naive, but I truly loved him, for all his darkness, pain, everything. It kills me to think that I may have never been enough for him.
  Now that Klaus has returned and most likely Elijah I'm confused and unsure of what to do. I need to think up a plan fast.
  I'm interrupted from my thoughts when Elena says "Watergate was in the 70s Ric" she looks slightly embarrassed and corrected herself "uhhh I mean Mr. Saltzman"

  His gaze occasionally flickers back to me while he spits out some crazy accurate facts about Watergate. I listen, but it's all a bore, I've lived through it.

  Tyler comes up to me in the hall after history "What are you thinking about?"

   "Nothing really. Just the past Lockwood" I say shrugging It off
   "do you know if caroline is still mad at me?" Ty asked upset

  "yeah, Ty she'll come around, give her some time I mean the whole upsetting matt thing kinda gets to her," I say I didn't want to interfere with their friendship too much so I'm Glad Elena came up behind us.
  "Hey Addy" Elena nudges me and continues " meet me Bonnie and Care at the grill so we can eat and we will fill you in on the stuff you missed after school"

  "Okay, I'll be there!" I said cheerfully.

  I get to the grill but no one has arrived yet.
Matt walks up "Want some company, Addy?" He asks

  "Sure, if it's not too much trouble. why not Matty boy?" I say he chuckles
   "How was your first day back?" Matt asked
    "Pretty good I mean I'm tired but I'm glad to be back. Right then Bon-Bon and Care came followed by Lena. They sat down and all started to chat. I learned that Alaric was having trouble with Jenna. I also learned Katherine is alive and played my brother's smh.

   "Elijah was contacting Elena and is now daggered. Nobody knows what Klaus is what looks like. Elijah asked a lot about you" I immediately looked down ashamed "is there something you're not telling us, Addison?"

   I was ashamed to tell them no they were in danger the right to know. "Actually, I know what Klaus looks like.  I can help with that. I met him and Elijah in the 19th century. Stefan and Damon do not know this. Nor do they need to. Klaus betrayed me, now what's the plan?" I blurt

   They looked shocked but quickly answer. "Well we need to protect Elena from being sacrificed naturally but we're hoping there's some witchy way around it, still figuring it out." Care continues " let's get ready for the dance!"

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